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Bethsaida / Bethsaida-Julius
Pronunciation: behth-SAY-ih-duh
Occurrences: 8
First Reference: Yeshua 3:22
And there were of John’s disciples who followed after Yeshua, Andrew Bar Jonas, the brother of Simon; John Bar Zebedee, the brother of James; Philip of Bethsaida, the son of Jabesh the fisherman; and James Ben Alpheus, the brother of Levi.
See: Herod Philip, Philip Bar Jabesh, Zebedee
Summary: Bethsaida was a fishing town located within the territory of the tetrarch Herod Philip. The small city was home to some of Yeshua's apostles, including Philip Bar Jabesh, and brothers James and John, the sons of Zebedee (Y:3:22; Y:7:57). The city was likely situated near the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee, east of the Jordan River. Bethsaida was one of the cities Yeshua criticized for being unrepentant (Y:19:61-64).
And Zebedee, hearing this, grew all the more angry, and he went unto Bethsaida, cursing and murmuring against the Master.
Yeshua 7:57
But Yeshua, knowing these things, went unto the city of Bethsaida in the kingdom of Philip the brother of Herod Antipas, and there rested a little while.
Yeshua 7:72
And gathering about him his mother and the seven which she had appointed, as well as certain others also, he went unto Chinnereth and crossing over, he came unto Bethsaida-Julius.
And journeying northward he came unto a high mountain which overlooked all Galilee;
And Yeshua, looking back over all the region, was filled with sorrow; and he wept in his soul for those cities wherein all his works were done, saying:
“Weep Chorazin and cry aloud Bethsaida, for if the works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
Yeshua 19:61-64