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Christ / Jesus / Jesus Christ


Occurrences:  24 (Christ - 17 / Jesus - 5 / Jesus Christ - 2)

First Reference:  Yeshua 1:3 / Wisdom 11:24 / Wisdom 12:29



See:  Anointed One, Emmanuel, Christ (house of), Paul, Promised One, Yeshua


Refer to:  Wisdom 12; True Gnostics vs Gnostic Chrisitians


Summary:  While true Gnostics believe in and strive to emulate the historical Yeshua of Nazareth, they disregard the man-made theological construct of “Jesus Christ” as first promoted by Paul (Saul of Tarsus) and later incorporated into Christian orthodoxy. The author of the Song of God expounded on this in a list of Basic Beliefs:


The historical Yeshua of Nazareth was the archetype of what it means to become as “only begotten” while living the mortal life. It was from the life of this historical person that early Christian scholars created the theological construct called “Jesus Christ”. As true Gnostics therefore, we do believe in the Galilean, and see in him an example worthy of emulation and devotion, but we do not believe in the Jesus Christ found in the Christian faith.

   Basic Beliefs #15


Yeshua ben Josef is the original Aramaic proper name of the man commonly referred to as Jesus Christ. While true Gnostics believe in Yeshua and in the gnosis which he represents, they reject emphatically both Christ and Christianity.


The doctrine of Christ was not founded in the life and teachings of Yeshua, but rather, it was the invention of Paul. In the orthodoxy of Paul, the radical teachings of Yeshua were lost. For it was Paul who superimposed the false image of Christ over that of the historical Yeshua, the true Galilean. For a true Gnostic, Paul is no less than the Great Usurper who hijacked the simple message of Yeshua and created something altogether different: the theological construct known as Jesus Christ. (see: What is a True Gnostic?)


In the Song of God, most references to “Jesus” or “Christ” can be found in the book of Wisdom, wherein a figure referred to as “the Teacher” converses with contemporary Christians about their beliefs. Also included in the book is a parable that juxtaposes the Jesus Christ of the Christian faith with the historical Yeshua of Nazareth (W:12:28-32).


According to a list of Basic Beliefs written by the author, True Gnostics:


• do not believe in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. True Gnostics are not Christians.


• do not accept or believe in the Bible.


• do not believe in original sin.


• do not believe that mankind is inherently evil.


• do not believe in the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. For the doctrine of blood atonement presents a God who demands the human sacrifice of an innocent man, and any God who demands murder to appease justice is unworthy of worship or adoration.






(First References)

Wherefore, seeing that many have erred concerning the words and deeds of the Promised One, it became expedient to set forth a true account whereby many should take to their soul a testimony concerning this Christ; that having professed aloud his name aforetime, they might even now take to their soul a sure knowledge of him.

Yeshua 1:3


And the Teacher, hearing this, spoke saying: “Why have you forsaken the teachings of that Jesus whom you claim to follow? Is the law of the church greater than God altogether?

Wisdom 11:24


Now there came unto him this Jesus Christ of the Christians wearing garments made red with blood, ­and he desired to contend with Yeshua, seeing that he was alone.

Wisdom 12:29


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1.  These are the words which the Teacher spoke concerning Yeshua of Nazareth, for there came to him certain elders of the church desiring to speak.

2.  And one of them spoke, saying: “How long will you cause us to wonder? Come now and tell us plainly: What think you of Christ? Whose son is he?”

3.  And the Teacher, turning to those gathered there, said: “Consider how the teachers and preachers of religion have desired to remove you from the Father of your soul, for fear that you should take to yourself some knowledge of him.

4.  For they and their fathers before them have established a multitude of doctrines and creeds which have become as a wall to separate you from God; that no one should by any means approach nigh unto God except that they first go to the builders of the wall.

5.  Thus would they have you believe that this one whom they call Christ should be brought forth of a virgin, being conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit; that he, being unlike the natural man, might be made free from sin.

6.  Thus, by such a birth would they make Christ a stranger unto the children of men; for they desired to hedge up the way, round about, against even all who would come to a knowledge of God.

7.  For by reason of your natural birth have they proclaimed through a million preachers that all people are filled with evil and corruption continually, having been made partakers of Adam’s transgression.

8.  Thus would these men proclaim the perfection of Christ, who by his divine nature performed many miracles and mighty works, being made unlike yourself. Yet I tell you truly, that no man is born of a woman except some man first give seed.

9.  Why, therefore, have you not fulfilled that measure of God which was granted unto you through the teachings of Yeshua of Nazareth? You have not for you are made to despair continually. For how can you follow Christ seeing that he is unlike the natural man?

10.  Hear now and take heart: For this Yeshua of Nazareth was brought forth like unto yourselves, having both father and mother, that by the greatness of the natural man, he might bring all who are willing near unto the heart of God.

11.  Rejoice, therefore, and be glad, for God thought it not unseemly to come unto the children of his soul even as a man, being filled with mercy and healing whereby he might draw all people unto his bosom in love exceeding.

Wisdom 12:1-11


By such contrivance would the teachers and preachers of religion separate you from the love of God; that being made fearful, they might hedge up the way against you lest you should by some means find again the Father and live.

Thus would they make Christ unlike the natural man, being perfect; that by his death all people might stand condemned before the cross, being made worthy of all reproach.

Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear; for I tell you truly that the love of God manifest itself not in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as these men would have you suppose, but rather in those things which Yeshua desired to teach unto the children of men.

That by the exercise of a goodly faith unto good works, they might draw nigh again unto the Father of their soul, being made holy even as he is holy.

Wisdom 12:24-27

Christ (house of)