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Occurrences: 1
First Reference: Yeshua 4:42
Now when Yeshua entered the temple, he saw in the Court of the Gentiles, money changers and sellers of sacrifice who, by their usury, had made unclean the offerings of the people.
Summary: The outer court of the Temple complex in Jerusalem was referred to as the Court of the Gentiles (Y:4:42). People who were not Jews could enter this outer court area but were not permitted to enter any further into the Temple complex. This outer court became a popular place of merchandise and trade among both Jews and gentiles. On two occasions, Yeshua entered these outer courts and drove out the “money changers and sellers of sacrifice” (Y:4:42-44; Y:44:1-5).
42. Now when Yeshua entered the temple, he saw in the Court of the Gentiles, money changers and sellers of sacrifice who, by their usury, had made unclean the offerings of the people.
43. And taking his staff he overturned the tables of the money changers, and he broke in pieces the stalls and cages of the sellers of sacrifice.
44. And going throughout all the court, he upbraided all those who would make merchandise the souls of men and the forgiveness of sins. And all men ran before his fury, being scattered as chaff in the wind.
45. Thus did the Lord of Sabbath purge the temple of money changers and sellers of sacrifice. And the Pharisees seeing this were filled with wrath, and they asked him, saying:
46. “By what authority do you do these things? For what purpose would you disturb the sanctuary?”
47. And he answered them, saying: “I tell you truly, that in this place has come one who is greater than the temple which your fathers built.”
Yeshua 4:42-47
1. In the courts of the temple did the money changers and sellers of sacrifice make merchandise the worship of the Lord.
2. And there came into the courts of the Gentiles, Yeshua of Nazareth, the Beloved of God, who, making a whip of strong cord, went in among them;
3. Driving from the courts those which sold sheep, and oxen, and doves, and the money changers which sat amidst all their gain;
4. And the Lord did scourge them, and beat them, and did drive them through the gates of the temple, casting down wheresoever he went the stalls of the sheep and the oxen, and breaking in pieces the cages of the doves, and overturning the tables of the money changers.
5. And the Lord spoke aloud unto all which were in the temple, saying: “Get these things hence, and make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise.”
Yeshua 44:1-5