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Occurrences: 1
First Reference: Wisdom 14:29
For they shall surely become even as I, before the world was, and unto them shall be completed the Covenant of Androgyny, and they shall be taught the Law of Pairing, that forever they might be as husband and wife throughout all the generations of eternity. For by the power of Heaven shall they be sealed together as one before the Lords and Gods of Elohim.
See: Beloved(s), Law of Pairing, Oneness, Perfected Soul
Summary: In the book of Wisdom, Emmanuel mentions details surrounding the exaltation proceedings of a righteous husband and wife (W:14:27-32). Aspects of this event include the couple participating in the “Covenant of Androgyny” and learning the “Law of Pairing” (W:14:29). Scripture does not expound directly on these matters.
27. And when they shall accomplish all that is expedient in me to do, I shall make death sweet for them, for I shall give to all who become begotten of the Father the assurance of peace and exaltation. For in the moment that they shall close their eyes in death, even then shall the Father of their spirit take them by the hand and bring them unto eternal life.
28. And they shall become Gods and Goddesses, dwelling forever in the councils of Elohim.
29. For they shall surely become even as I, before the world was, and unto them shall be completed the Covenant of Androgyny, and they shall be taught the Law of Pairing, that forever they might be as husband and wife throughout all the generations of eternity. For by the power of Heaven shall they be sealed together as one before the Lords and Gods of Elohim.
30. For unto every husband and wife who shall receive the promise of exaltation shall be given the power to organize spirit children in the manner of their own likeness, for in the beginning was the law given that kind should produce after its own kind.
31. For together shall the man and the woman be taken into the streams and rivers of intelligence by their Heavenly Father and Mother, and there shall husband and wife come together by reason of their love one for the other, and they shall fashion unto themselves spirit children without number.
32. Therefore, consider how great this covenant is, for by reason of this priesthood are granted unto the Souls of the Just Made Perfect, the powers of God.
Wisdom 14:27-32