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Factor X


Occurrences:  6

First Reference:  Commentary Only



See:  Absolute Zero, Celestial Kingdom, Eternal Round, Ker-El-Shamudef, Soli-Endi-Muhat

Summary:  Mentioned only in Azrael’s Commentary (Eternal Round: Ker-El-Shamudef), Factor X is a unique type of singularity that exists at the very center of the Surinatha, the universe of Heaven. Factor X is the point around which all the kingdoms of Heaven revolve. Proximity to Factor X determines the number of dimensions, primes and fractals of that particular realm.



Azrael’s Commentary — Eternal Round  (excerpt)


[...] Ker-El-Shamudef (Absolute Zero):  As the Olaha Shinehah revolves around the Celestial Kingdom, and as the Celestial Kingdom revolves around the planet of Ker-El-Shamudef, even so does the point of Absolute Zero revolve around another center point of attraction. This point of attraction is the center core of the Surinatha, and as the point of Absolute Zero revolves around the center core of Surinatha, it pulls the Celestial Kingdom and the Olaha Shinehah along with it. This fact has two interesting affects on the kingdoms of Heaven:


1) It causes the orbits of Olaha Shinehah and the Celestial Kingdom to move forward even as they revolve around their specific centers of attraction.

2) This forward movement creates the many dimensions, primes and fractals found throughout the kingdoms of Heaven.


But what attracts the planet called Ker-El-Shamudef to orbit around the very center of Surinatha? It is a special type of singularity which God calls Factor X, the Mystery Factor. However, I am not allowed to discuss exactly what that is. All I can say is that the closer a world moves around this Factor X, the more dimensions, primes and fractals which are available. Hence, the Celestial Kingdom commands twelve dimensions, each dimension possesses three primes, with each prime controlling seven fractals. And the Olaha Shinehah, being further away from Factor X possesses a proportionately less number of dimensions, primes and fractals. It is the tidal forces of Factor X plus the tidal forces represented by the Absolute Zero of Ker-El-Shamudef which create the dimensions of God and Heaven. The region immediately around this point called Factor X, is called by God, the Soli-Endi-Muhat. And it was here that the final battle of the Second War in Heaven occurred (6:12:1-2). Taken all together, Olaha Shinehah, plus the Celestial Kingdom, plus Absolute Zero, plus Factor X is nothing less than a vast machine of cosmic proportions. But all of this is just the first part of the great Eternal Round.







Faith (Azurgai)