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Fallen (the)


Occurrences:  47

First Reference:  Enlightenment 9:64


And the Father of All drew himself near unto the followers of the Fallen, saying: “Who is on the Lord’s side? Let him come and with me abide.”


See:  Elohim, Fallen One, Immediate Recompense, Lucifer, Rutheniel, Shaemdiel, Yaldabaoth


Summary:  The Fallen refers to Shaemdiel, the former Chief Arch-Angel of the realms of Elohim, who was seduced by the cunning words of Yaldabaoth into prideful hostility. The term also designates those of Shaemdiel’s lineage who chose to support their father throughout his rebellion against the Elohim. The peak of Shaemdiel’s insurrection occurred when he and his sons, having taken by force the spirit children of his lineage, stood forth to battle against the heavenly hosts on the plains of Kuristan (E:9:1-75). The situation continued to escalate, but was quickly diffused when Ahman arrived with the Azraella and 30,000 Seraphim (6:2:7-14).


Many of Shaemdiel’s sons abandoned their father’s cause when Ahman offered them the opportunity (E:9:64). Shaemdiel and those that remained loyal to him were declared by Ahman as ‘fallen’, and cast out from the realms of Heaven to dwell in the cosmos of the First Creation on the world of the First Power, where the Demiurgos had established their dominion (E:9:66-75; 6:2:50-66).


Throughout Shaemdiel’s descent, his Beloved Rutheniel withheld her support and continually made efforts to ease him out of his bitter thoughts and prideful endeavors (5:5:29-37). While none of Shaemdiel’s daughters participated in the rebellion or were counted among the initial group of those considered Fallen, it was determined by Rutheniel (having been inspired by Mahaleenah) that in order to bridge a future redemption, it was necessary that the Fallen sons be accompanied by their innocent Beloveds in their eviction from Heaven. While Shaemdiel and his sons were allowed to believe their Beloveds were genuinely supportive of the cause, the daughters (and those privy to the plan) guarded the truth in silence, knowing they would play a crucial role in the redemption of their fallen Beloveds and their father Shaemdiel (6:2:5-49).


The scriptures reveal how that behind the fall of Shaemdiel moved the subtle, preconceived designs of The One, who assumes ultimate responsibility for Shaemdiel’s initial meeting with Yaldabaoth and his subsequent rebellion (5:4:41-63; 1:4:24-41).



The Fallen in the world of the First Power


After arriving in the cosmos of the First Creation, Shaemdiel and his lineage were promptly met by Yaldabaoth and Jehovah-Yahweh, whereupon terms of service were established between the Demiurgos and the Fallen. It was during this meeting that Shaemdiel received from Jehovah-Yahweh, the name ‘Lucifer’ (E:10:1-40; 1:4:31-41).


Once descended to the world of the First Power, Shaemdiel was surprised to discover the existence of evolutionary modern humans dwelling throughout the earth. This was fortuitous for Shaemdiel as it allowed him the opportunity to go about his original plan of establishing dispensations of his own and creating a glorified civilization based on his philosophy of Immediate Recompense (E:11:6-27). Unfortunately for Shaemdiel, Jehovah-Yahweh had already laid claim to life on earth, including humankind (E:6:1-35). Thus began a heated conflict between Shaemdiel and Jehovah-Yahweh, each struggling to establish dominion in the world of the First Power (E:11:28-53; 6:4:3-28). Midst the competitive efforts of Shaemdiel and Jehovah-Yahweh, a division eventually occurred among the native humans of earth: those who remained under the frightful rule of Jehovah-Yahweh (referred to as screelings), and those that heeded the gentle teachings of Shaemdiel (referred to as the Enoshahim).


Jehovah-Yahweh and the Fallen were unable to come to any peaceful arrangement and a great battle eventually ensued. Yaldabaoth, the Chief Demiurge, interrupted the fight and established a troubled truce between Shaemdiel and Jehovah-Yahweh. Shaemdiel was given dominion over the Enoshahim, as well as the sky, rivers, streams and lakes. Jehovah-Yahweh was given control over the land and sea and everything that lived therein, except humankind (E:13:1-8; 6:5:38-54).


In the mean time, the Council of Elohim prepared to initiate dispensations of their own on the world of the First Power (1:8:1-20). When Michael and Sher-el descend to the earth as Adam and Eve, and begin mingling among the Enoshahim (c. 12,775 BCE), both the Fallen and the Demiurge are caught by surprise (1:8:21-42; 6:8:1-15). Shaemdiel and Jehovah-Yahweh resolved to fight against the Adaam, hoping the Gods and Goddesses of the Elohim would abandon their cause and leave the world of the First Power.



The Redemption of Shaemdiel and the Fallen


According to scripture, Shaemdiel and his sons and daughters were eventually rescued by Azraella and Rutheniel from the domain of the Demiurge (2:12:1-62). According to the author of the scriptures, the Fallen have since returned to the Elohim and are working out their redemption (source needed). While designs of the Fallen are still playing out on the world of the First Power, Shaemdiel and his sons are no longer exerting efforts to frustrate the dispensations of God.



Significant References


5th Endowment 4:41-63       The fall of Shaemdiel is preconceived by The One


5th Endowment 5:14-79        Early indicators of Shaemdiel’s overzealous pride


Wisdom 15                            Ahman converses with Shaemdiel prior to the eviction of the Fallen


Enlightenment 5                   Ahman seeks the counsel of The One concerning the rebellious deeds of his son


Enlightenment 8:6–9:75       An account of events leading up to the conflict on the plains of Kuristan, Shaemdiel and his sons are declared ‘Fallen’ and cast out of the realms of Heaven


1st Endowment 4                 The One discusses the value of opposition and imperfection, and reveals details surrounding the fall of Shaemdiel


6th Endowment 2                 No daughters are counted among the Fallen – Conflict on the plains of Kuristan (review) - Mahaleenah speaks to Rutheniel – Rutheniel speaks to her daughters – The Fallen are ushered from Heaven to the First Cosmos





Consider then the falling down of Shaemdiel, for he being a mighty prince, being himself Chief Archon did fall from Heaven’s glory; becoming himself cast out, and many children with him.

For his offense was born of an overzealous pride; which pride caused that he should act against his quorum as though he alone were wiser; to become himself impatient and filled with deep contempt against the very Gods which loved him. [...]

And so it was decided the path which we would take, permitting that Shaemdiel should follow after the pride of his heart; which pride caused that he should seek to war against the Celestial Kingdom, even as Yaldabaoth did war against Olaha Shinehah;

Having himself been seduced by the dark reasonings of the Lord of Chaos to see in the glories of the highest realms something paltry and thinly pale; becoming himself fearful and filled with anger against the workings of Hodos Alea whereby he might supplant it with another, made of his own devising.

6th Endowment 1:22-23, 29-30


In that day were my sons and daughters divided, and one third did follow the words of the deceitful one, and with great fury did they rage; upon the plains of Kuristan did they gather to war against God.

Wisdom 2:37


Thus, on the plains of Kuristan, near the city of Mitanni, did all Heaven rise up with a holy zeal to frustrate the whole of Shaemdiel’s design; and Shaemdiel was cast from the heavenly place and unto the world beyond all beginnings was he made to dwell.

1st Endowment 4:18


Now in the falling down of Shaemdiel did many sons follow, being themselves devoted to the Father they loved, believing in their heart that in Shaemdiel was there found the surest way whereby the glories of Heaven might be increased beyond measure.

Yet of his daughters did none fall down, having been constrained by their Mother from the follies of an overzealous pride filled with vain imaginations; finding in their Mother’s counsel the assurance that even the Fallen might be redeemed; and this through subtlety, guided by the light of love.

6th Endowment 2:5-6


Consider then that among the Fallen are there no women to be counted, for the daughters of Rutheniel have chosen well to cleave to God, even against their Father’s wishes; that in the doing of what is right they might prove a benefit in reaching forth to rescue.

6th Endowment 2:28


And though Shaemdiel believed fully within himself that he has set hard his heart against us, yet is he made already within to bring to pass the subtleties of my will concerning that world which lies beyond all beginnings.

For through the eyes of Shaemdiel are we made to see continually the workings of the Demiurge, that in this epiphenomenon of good and evil there might arise the beginning of many new souls, which thing would cause to be added glory upon glory, even worlds without end.

1st Endowment 4:39-40


Yet shall I forget not the Fallen which came from the midst of me, to abandon forever the children of light; for how shall a father forsake the son of his loins; or again, how shall a mother forget the suckling child?

For from my hand have I caused to shine the greatest power of all, even the power of redemption; for I am he who drew from the darkness light, who brought forth out of chaos order and purpose.

Enlightenment 14:10-11


Let us therefore frustrate further the dread Yaldabaoth, to take from his grasp the very Fallen which once did dwell in Heaven, for even Shaemdiel would I set free of all his sin, to release him from the darkness which he himself created through an overzealous pride filled with a hurtful ego.

Thus shall you place before him the path which leads to repentance and sure redemption; which path even you must devise through deep and subtle movings, weaving through the events of ages yet to come that path which would bring him quick before you, whereby you might heal him of all his hurt and anger.

6th Endowment 6:34-35

Faith (Azurgai)
Fallen One