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General Assembly


Occurrences:  1 (divine) /3 (Terralee)

First Reference:  Wisdom 14:26


And they shall commune forever with the General Assembly and all the congregations of the Firstborn, that they might receive unto themselves the wisdom of God wherein they shall bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.



See:  Council of Lords, Firstborn


Summary:  Scripture describes how those who achieve their exaltation and become as the Only Begotten shall “commune forever with the General Assembly and all the congregations of the Firstborn” (W:14:25-26). Details are not provided as to exactly what or whom the divine “General Assembly” refers to.


The 4th Endowment mentions a General Assembly existing on the mortal world of Terralee. This General Assembly refers to the common membership of believers which became organized around the teachings of Adamilus and Evelah, Noaeya, Sariah, Moshe, Abbahdon, Laecontes and Kaseah (4:24:2,17; 4:29:8).





For unto all who shall become holy will I give power to become even as the Only Begotten of both the Father and the Mother, who are full of grace and truth, and to them shall all authority be given, both in Heaven and on earth.

And they shall commune forever with the General Assembly and all the congregations of the Firstborn, that they might receive unto themselves the wisdom of God wherein they shall bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

And when they shall accomplish all that is expedient in me to do, I shall make death sweet for them, for I shall give to all who become begotten of the Father the assurance of peace and exaltation. For in the moment that they shall close their eyes in death, even then shall the Father of their spirit take them by the hand and bring them unto eternal life.

And they shall become Gods and Goddesses, dwelling forever in the councils of Elohim.

Wisdom 14:25-28



General Assembly (Terralee)


For the ruling council of the General Assembly wished to examine for themselves this Abbahdon, who, being blind, was made the knower and discerner of hidden things, being, even in his youth, deeply wise in knowing the ways of God and of men.

4th Endowment 24:2


And there rose up to speak the Presiding Matriarch of the General Assembly, saying: “Surely you are the one which is come from Heaven to bless us, for even in your youth is the wisdom of all your soul perfected; to give rise within our souls the day star which would lead us home again, even unto God.”

4th Endowment 24:17


Now in the General Assembly there arose a woman of great renown, being herself most gracious and deeply wise, being in her speech and manner as one most beautifully seen and well comported.

4th Endowment 29:8



Gates of the King