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Great Pretender
Occurrences: 3
First Reference: Enlightenment 1:8
And he spoke unto the Deep, saying: “I have brought out of my soul a son like unto me, his name shall I call Jehovah-Yahweh.” Which in the language of the Demiurge means: Great Pretender and Blasphemer.
See: Jehovah-Yahweh
Summary: The Chief Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, gave his first emanated son the name “Jehovah-Yahweh”, which in the language of the Demiurge means: “Great Pretender and Blasphemer” (5:17:55; E:1:8).
Thus did the dreadful father subdue the dreadful son, to force upon him a grudging obedience to the Chief Demiurgos; and Yaldabaoth named the seedling child: Jehovah- Yahweh, which in the language of the Demiurge means: Great Pretender and Blasphemer.
5th Endowment 17:55
“Well did your father, even Yaldabaoth, name you; for you alone are truly the Great Pretender and Blasphemer; before whose dread presence man has bowed in trembling fear these many years;
Being in their souls most anxious to please you; being in their minds both pushed and prodded by a darkened faith, to inflict upon mankind such crimes and horrors as did first take flight from you.