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This comprehensive online Glossary was created as an aid in the study of the Song of God - Living Gnosis of the Ahgendai (2015). Links to categorized Glossary entry lists are located at the end (bottom) of the Glossary drop down menu. Available lists include: Azrael’s Commentary, Male Figures and Female Figures.
Spoiler Alert
Entries in this web glossary do not maintain the subtleties of context, metaphor and symbolism offered by reading the Song of God from start to finish. Neither does this Glossary preserve the incremental ‘line upon line’ aspect of revelation presented by the scriptures. Thus, browsing this material before reading the Song of God may detract somewhat from the student’s experience.
Each Glossary entry contains the following subsections:
Pronunciation: a phonetic pronunciation of the name or term is provided unless the pronunciation is obvious. See Pronunciation Guide –>>
Occurrences: the number of times the entry is mentioned directly in scripture. This number does not include indirect references to the entry, nor does it include occurrences found in non-scriptural portions of the Song of God (ie: Personal Testimony, Commentary, Synopsis), unless specified otherwise.
First Reference: the entry’s first direct reference in the Song of God, followed by the corresponding verse.
See: lists related entries
Summary: provides information pertaining to the entry.
Azrael’s Commentary: abbreviated as AZC when sited, this material was written by Azrael and originally published in the Commentary section of the Song of God (2008, 2015). Not all Glossary entries contain material from Azrael’s Commentary. Oftentimes, only pertinent passages from Azrael’s Commentary are quoted in an entry. An ellipsis ‘[...]’ is used to indicate the exclusion of content from the original Commentary material.
Notes/References: includes scriptural references significant to the entry, and will at times include interpretations, questions, and considerations.
Pronunciation Guide
Vowel Sounds:
EE - eat, beet, neat
IH - bit, hit
AY - ace, hey, day
EH - bread, Fred, Ted
A - cat, sat
AH - car, far
AW - law, saw
O - home, coat
OU - book, took, hook
OO - moon, spoon
UH - cut, nut, love
ER - bird, heard
EHR - air, fair
AI - ice, nice, fly
AU - out, shout, down
OI - boy, coin
Consonant Sounds:
G - go, log
ZH - garage, lodge
TSH - church, cheep