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Pronunciation: kai
Occurrences: 2
First Reference: 5th Endowment 15:75
And so there stood before the very doors, Loriel and twelve thousand of the Pensieye, holding in their hands the oracles of the Kai whereby they might repel such evils as would seek to harm the innocent.
Summary: In the language of God, referred to by Wood as Adamic, the word “Kai” means “power” (AZC — Adamic). The term “Kai” seems common within the Adamic lexicon, however, it is used in scripture only twice as a singular term. According to Azrael’s Commentary, the oracles of Kai were created by God during the conception of the Terrestrial Kingdom. Compared to the oracles of “Eno Adaam”, the oracles of Kai represent a second, more evolved language created to accommodate the increased dimensions, primes and fractals of the Terrestrial Kingdom.
The oracles of Kai are first referred to in scripture as a means whereby the Cherubim could protect the innocent from harm (5:15:75). The second occurrence is in reference to the highest three members of the Supreme Quorum of Heaven, which “sacred three of Kai” are comprised of Areta, The One, and the Azraella (6:6:9).
Azrael’s Commentary — Adamic (language)
[...] The written form of the Adamic language was almost entirely adopted by God from the written language of the Cherubim, and came to be called: Eno Adaam, or low Adamic, and proved very useful in conveying complex ideas while creating the Telestial Kingdom of Glory. This written language is represented by no less than 5,000 characters within a single alphabet. Those characters are called oracles. They are called oracles because they reveal the hidden mind of God.
But with the creation of the second Heaven, the Terrestrial Kingdom, the language of Eno Adaam was not enough. A language of power had to be created for specific purposes peculiar to the second Heaven. This was necessary because the Terrestrial Kingdom possessed more dimensions than the first. And those dimensions possessed more primes and fractals which low Adamic proved incapable of affecting, controlling or manipulating. This problem was solved by the creation of new oracles. These oracles became known as the oracles of the Kai. The word Kai means: power.
The Adamic language evolved again when time came to create the third Heaven, otherwise known as the Celestial Kingdom. In creating this greater glory, the oracles of the Kai proved ineffectual, for the Celestial Kingdom possessed far more dimensions, with each dimension possessing far more primes and fractals. The oracles that were created for the purpose of organizing and structuring the Celestial Kingdom became known as the oracles of Sodon-Kai-El. Translated, this means: the holy power of God. [...]
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Now in the regions of the Koliahmas did there gather within the highest of Heaven’s quorums, the sacred three of Kai, being in their persons The One and Areta bound in love and light forever; and before their brightness stood the Azraella dressed for battles yet to come.
6th Endowment 6:9