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Occurrences: 6
First Reference: Enlightenment 4:9
For, behold, the Lord of Kolob has Yaldabaoth turned aside through cunning speech, that even so great a one as he is made blind in the midst of all our glory; to the words of Eloheim he will not give heed, but has stepped aside into darkness.”
Summary: The “Lord of Kolob” is one of several titles designating Shaemdiel, the former Chief Archon of the realms of Elohim (E:4:9; E:10:33). Following Shaemdiel’s violent rebellion and subsequent eviction from Heaven, his younger brother Michael was appointed in his place.
For, behold, the Lord of Kolob has Yaldabaoth turned aside through cunning speech, that even so great a one as he is made blind in the midst of all our glory; to the words of Eloheim he will not give heed, but has stepped aside into darkness.”
Enlightenment 4:9
The second time Jehovah-Yahweh spoke, saying: “By what name are you called?” He answered: “I am called Shaemdiel, Lord of Kolob, Prince of Salem, Chief Archon of Merigoth.”
Enlightenment 10:33