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Pronunciation: LOO-zahn
Occurrences: 2
First Reference: Beginnings 16:30
So the son of Enoch turned away from the angel of the Lord, and turning his face towards Perga, he journeyed three days unto the plains of Luzon, for he desired to stand beside Elon, that perhaps he might be made victorious over Yasher-Baal.
See: Elon Zanoah, Jandrus, Methuselah I, Perga, Yasher-Baal
Summary: Luzon refers to a geographic area located somewhere in ancient Mesopotamia, or present-day Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Scripture tells of a great battle (ca. 8,800 BCE) fought on the plains of Luzon between the freedom fighters led by Elon Zanoah (B:15:1), and the Sumerian armies of Yasher-Baal, the son of Cain. Elon Zanoah had achieved a certain momentum in fighting against Sumerian forces, and had even gained the moral support of Methuselah, the son of Enoch (B:16:1-31). In a clever ploy, Yasher-Baal deceived Elon Zanoah, causing him to misidentify Yasher-Baal and greatly underestimate the size of the Sumerian army (B:15:53-55). Elon and the men of Perga thought to catch their enemy by surprise, but it was trap, and they were quickly surrounded and overwhelmed by the armies of Yasher-Baal (B:16:32-41). More than 20,000 of Zanoah’s men were captured and made to die upon the stake (B:16:39-40).
It is, perhaps, this “great battle” that is later referred to as scripture describes the rise of King Nimrod (ca. 2,000 BCE) in the lands of Shinar, prior to the ministry of Abraham (B:25:1-2).
Now in the lands of Shinar, by the waters of Diyalah, did Nimrod the son of Cush rule, for he had built up the waste places, and Babel was made prince among all the cities of the plain.
For he built also the city of Erech and placed upon the throne thereof Mardon; and he established the foundation of Luzon, for there was fought there in ancient times a great battle.
Beginnings 25:1-2