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Pronunciation: lai-KOH-nee-uhm
Occurrences: 3
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 24:56
Striking against the treasuries of Lyconium, Niccocea, Mordredia, Praetoria, Phillippi, Ostia, and Praxus; sending into each city a strike force of heavy lifters; for in these cities shall we find mountains of gold, platinum, silver, diamonds, and many other riches beside.
See: Commodus III, First Track, First World, Rome, South Africa
Summary: During the First Track of the world of the First Power, Lyconium was one of seven garrison cities of South Africa that fell under siege during a counter-offensive strike by Drakonian forces (3:24:1-61). As a result of the brilliant strategy conceived by Kronus Maximillius, the treasuries of each city were plundered, with Rome losing up to half of all its wealth (3:25:22). Commodus III, the Emperor of Rome, was never able to recover from the overwhelming loss. The Emperor of Drakonia, Drakonus Maximillius, minted a new coin to celebrate the great victory (3:25:12-13).
Refer to: 3rd Endowment 24—25