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Pronunciation: nihk-KO-see-uh / nihk-KO-shee-uh
Occurrences: 3
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 24:56
Striking against the treasuries of Lyconium, Niccocea, Mordredia, Praetoria, Phillippi, Ostia, and Praxus; sending into each city a strike force of heavy lifters; for in these cities shall we find mountains of gold, platinum, silver, diamonds, and many other riches beside.
See: Commodus III, First Track, Neropolis, Rome, South Africa, Sulla Cornellius
Summary: During the First Track of the world of the First Power, Niccocea was one of seven garrison cities of South Africa that was sacked and plundered during Drakonia’s attack against the Roman Empire (3:25:1-11). With the successful implementation of a strategy devised by Kronus Maximillius, Drakonia seized up to half of Rome’s accumulated wealth (3:25:22).
Refer to: 3rd Endowment 24:1 — 25:14