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Pronunciation: FIHL-lihp-pai / fihl-LIHP-pee (?)
Occurrences: 4
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 24:19
Also, my lord, can we move to assist within two days time, three more fleets, heavily armed, which can themselves attack the cities and ports of Praetoria, Ostia, Phillippi and Praxus, to turn them into heaps of ruin and broken rubble.”
See: First Track, First World, Rome, South Africa
Summary: During the First Track of the world of the First Power, Phillippi was one of seven garrison cities of South Africa that fell under siege during a counter-offensive strike by Drakonian forces (3:24:1-61). Other garrisons plundered included: Lyconium, Niccocea, Mordredia, Praetoria, Ostia, and Praxus. As a result of the brilliant strategy conceived by Kronus Maximillius, the treasuries of each city were pillaged, with Rome losing up to half of all its wealth (3:25:22). Commodus III, the Emperor of Rome, was never able to recover from the overwhelming loss. The Emperor of Drakonia, Drakonus Maximillius, minted a new coin to celebrate the overwhelming victory (3:25:12-13).
3rd Endowment 24—25