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Pronunciation: pray-TOR-ee-uhm
Occurrences: 8
First Reference: Yeshua 47:28
And they took the Master into the common hall of the Praetorium, and they called together the whole band; and they did all spit upon him and strike him with many reeds.
See: Praetorian Guard
Summary: Historically, the Latin term praetorium signified the dwelling place of a military general, or the emperor’s headquarters. It was the place of counsel, administrative duties, and official business of officers and generals. In the book of Yeshua, the common hall of the Praetorium was likely a part of Pilate’s residential palace in Jerusalem. Yeshua was was taken there to be made sport of after being scourged (Y:47:26-29).
All other references to the Praetorium are found in the 3rd Endowment. In this book, the term is used to describe captains or guards representing the military might and security of the Emperor or empire at large. The palace grounds of the Emperor, as well as those of Caesars and kings, were patrolled by men of the Praetorium (e.g. 3:7:8).