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Occurrences: 1
First Reference: Enlightenment 12:12
Yet would the young man not give heed, being ever fearful of that god which so commanded; and in haste did he give way before the presence of Lucifer, fleeing with all his might the Tempter’s snare.
Summary: The ‘Tempter’ is a designation referring to Lucifer, the fallen manifestation of the Arch-Angel known as Shaemdiel, who was cast from the heavenly realms of Elohim to this world, the world of the First Power. In an effort to establish dominion and influence over humans of the Late Pleistocene era, Lucifer and the Fallen — as disembodied spirits — initiated contact with the native humans of this earth (Enlightenment 11,12). Those who were receptive to the ‘tempting’ spirits were designated as the ‘Enosh’ of their tribe.
The Demiurge prince, Jehovah-Yahweh, had previously established himself before life on earth as the god of creation (6:4:3-82). Lucifer and the Fallen engaged in direct competition with Jehovah-Yahweh for dominion over humankind.