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Occurrences: 2
First Reference: Yeshua 2:6
Summary: Founded by Alexander the Great, the city of Alexandria was the capital of Egypt in Yeshua's day. According to scripture, people would come from as far away as Alexandria to hear John the Baptizer speak (Y:2:6). There was also a physician from Alexandria named Ptolemy who was among a group of renowned physicians seeking to pay Yeshua to teach them the ways of his mysterious healing abilities (Y:26:13-18).
Now there came from distant lands, Jews from Tyre and Sidon, from Damascus and Edessa, and from Alexandria and Pelusium seeking to hear for themselves the words of the Essene.
Yeshua 2:6
And with him also were Polybius of Salinus, Ptolemy who was come from Alexandria, Basilides and Leondidas which were both come from the city of Brundisium in Italy.
Yeshua 26:13