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Pronunciation: NIHN-uh-vuh
Occurrences: 3
First Reference: Yeshua 11:85,88
For as Jonah was a sign of repentance unto the Ninevites, even so shall the Son of Man be unto this generation.
Summary: Yeshua made reference to Ninevah while responding to scribes and Pharisees who had challenged him to provide a sign that he was truly from God. In the context of Jewish scripture, Ninevah was an ancient city of Assyria deemed wicked and depraved. When God sent the prophet Jonah to preach repentance to the inhabitants of Ninevah, they turned from wickedness and God spared them from destruction. Yeshua uses this familiar story to reveal the hypocrisy and pride of the scribes and Pharisees of Israel (Y:11:85-88; Y:20:26-27).
And in judgment shall all Ninevah come forth to judge you, for they repented long ago at the preaching of Jonah, and now is there come among you one which is greater than Jonah, and you will not repent.
Come now and before the people answer, unto whom was the prophet Jonah sent: Israel or Ninevah?
And when he had completed all which God had sent him to do, unto whom did God show forth great mercy: Israel or Ninevah?