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Pronunciation: TEHR-ruh - BOHR-uh
Occurrences: 1
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 17:19
And Manegus Acquilla, the hero of Terra Borah, spoke in straight forward fashion, saying: “Your Majesty, I know well the man Kronus; for these past several months have I stood beside him, being myself watchful and curious of all his ways.
See: Borah Graccus, Borah Terah, First Track, Manegus Acquilla
Summary: Occurring only once in scripture (3:17:19), “Terra Borah” refers to a famous battle in which Manegus Acquilla and Borah Graccus both took part. Aside from this singular occurrence, the battle is referred to in scripture as the battle of “Borah Terah” (3:11:7; AZC — Borah Graccus; Manegus Acqulla).