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3 Thus on the day of the vernal equinox shall women and men commemorate the love which binds together two loving hearts; creating from their tender passions a brightly glowing oneness, which oneness is the greatest of all treasures both on earth or in Heaven found.
4 For this I tell you for your learning, that whenever a woman and a man shall become as one, even in that moment are they drawn into the oneness of God; to feel within themselves that good and tender ache which soft foreshadows a far greater love, for in love is there found the greatest power of all.
5 Come then and let us consider within the heart the power of love and the grace of oneness, and in the doing prove enlightened; for in love and oneness is there a mystery far greater than any other; having of its own desire fashioned all the realms of Heaven and all the wonders contained therein.
6 Know then my child that in the affairs of the heart does love prove a mighty force, being in its nature the reformer and transformer of those who truly love; for true love conforms itself only unto God, and those who should love another with all true affection, even they are become as someone altogether new through the power of love.
7 For it matters not the former state of any woman or man, whether they be bad or good; for if they truly love, having put another’s needs above their own, even they do reform themselves through the loving of another, having themselves let go the smallness of former times.
8 And if both the woman and the man should truly love, each having set aside themselves for the sake of the other, then are they together transformed into a state of bliss and joy; to become themselves as one together, and this because of such grace as does exist between them; becoming themselves through oneness a power far greater than any adversity.
9 And against those who become as one shall even death appear most feeble, being itself unable to break apart or separate either the woman or the man from one another; for in God are they become as one forever, having themselves been transformed by a power far beyond themselves, being themselves conformed into the very likeness of God, and this through love.
10 Be not deceived therefore concerning love, for many would speak of love pledging to you their true devotion, but being themselves for themselves only; seeking above all other things to fulfill themselves at your expense; forcing that you should always give while they should always take, to give you little in return.
11 Always demanding that you should change while they remain the same; always seeking that you conform to please themselves, while you are left as one made miserable through the pretensions of another.
12 Hear then and be forewarned, for I would not have you to become as one of these, who for your own sake would proclaim your love for another whereby you might be satisfied while another is left empty and filled with great despair, becoming themselves disillusioned by such love as you would proffer.
13 Thus in the Spring Festival of Lovers shall you celebrate the shaping and forming of true love between you and another; comporting yourself with all manner of grace and consideration for the one you love; proving yourself most dedicated in your imitation of such a love as does exist between your Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father.
14 Let then the woman and the man celebrate themselves and the love which they have made; comporting themselves with grace and tenderness; extolling to one another the virtues of the other and the reason for their love, establishing through romance a great eternal bond.
15 Being each most true devoted in the learning of grace, both in speech and manner, extending to one another through grace the true love which is born first of spirit filled with passions; seeking only to fulfill the needs of the one they love, even above their own self.
16 How then shall you know true love to see it in another, or to feel it in yourself? Through what learned means is true love revealed, causing that it should rise above all lesser things to fill your heart with joyful promise?
17 Hear then and be you wise: for it is grace which reveals the true love you seek; for grace is the calm acceptance of all things, both in Heaven and on earth, being itself created by those of good desire, shaping through tender speech and gentle manner the very fount from which true love flows.
18 In what place then shall you find a good example, to see for yourself the power of grace and love together mingled, like lovers in a dance? Go then and in the scriptures read.
19 Have you not read of Kronus and Yoshibeth? Have you not read of Moshe and Dedrah, or of Abbahdon and Gaia, or even of The One and myself together in love forever? Go then and let this prove a good example worthy of imitation; for in life is it given that the child should imitate the parents, to follow in their steps.
20 If then you would know at last the true love which would bind forever two hearts and two minds to make them one in God, then go and learn the ways of grace, both in speech and courtly manner.
21 That you may create between you and another, the womb from which true love shall spring up even as a living thing, to become yourself enraptured by a love beyond your dreams.
22 Thus on the day of the vernal equinox shall both the woman and the man celebrate the Festival of Lovers, taking upon themselves the examples of God the Mother and the Father; learning through imitation the power of grace and love in the mingling of their lives.
23 For in the Spring Festival of Lovers do you commemorate the love which the Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father bear for each other; to hold them up before your eyes as the only true example worthy of emulation.
24 Yet in what manner shall you strive to emulate, to prove your love an equal? Can you set aside your lesser self and find the greater Self within? Shall your love prove small and petty, made of great demands? Or shall it prove the very song which angels rush to sing?
25 All these things do you determine, both you and the one you love; being each yourselves in every part the promise and fulfillment, becoming to each the other’s breath a song most finely made.
26 Let then the vernal equinox prove for you a time of joy, filled with song and dance, kind words and tender romance; a time of giving and sharing, of reaching higher still, to celebrate the love you feel for the one you hold most dear.