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Copyright © True Gnostic Church. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions
Beware of others who would but distract, but turn your soul unto prayer and meditation, for therein alone shall God reveal the hidden portion which makes rich the happy life.
Now let as many as will, meditate in the stillness of their soul; for therein shall they find springs of living water that in the midst of great want, might be found an abundance of life.
For the peace of God shall overshadow the children of men in the day of trouble, and the wisdom of his righteousness shall be as a light in a dark and dreary land.
Now as many as desire to meditate upon the wonders of that soul wherein a portion of my glory is made to dwell, let them have faith and steadfastness in abundance.
For where faith is not, the glory of God is not made manifest; and except there be steadfastness of heart, the mind of man shall surely grow weary and sorrow shall follow hard after him.
Therefore, let those who desire to meditate possess unto themselves both patience and love exceeding.
For in patience shall they possess again their souls unto a fulfillment of glory; and except their meditations be done according to the love of God which is in them, they shall profit nothing.
Therefore, attend your life unto prayer and meditation. For the life which you now live shall become as a prayer unto God, and if your life be good or evil, then such as this shall ascend unto God revealing the secret chambers of your heart.
26. Whereunto shall the children of men go that they might have wisdom that they might gather unto themselves, an abundance of joy?
27. Therefore, teach unto men the beginning of that wisdom which I have given unto all the children of men. For in the beginning did I breathe into man a portion of my soul that therein they might find both wisdom and joy.
28. Wherefore, it is expedient in me that all men should come to a knowledge of themselves, seeing that I have placed within them so great a hope, wherein the ways of godliness might be made manifest if they will but seek that portion of God that is within them.
29. And the way whereby they shall attain unto a knowledge of God, you know. Therefore, teach unto all who will that in stillness and meditation shall they find unto themselves an overflowing of peace.
30. Therefore, take counsel from the Lord your God unto the fulfillment of all hope: Be still and know that I am God. For by the mouth of the Holy One was it spoken truly: ‘Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.’
31. For the law was decreed from the beginning that as a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be made manifest before all men; for no man can by any means escape the desires of his heart.
32. Now let as many as will, meditate in the stillness of their soul; for therein shall they find springs of living water that in the midst of great want, might be found an abundance of life.
33. For the peace of God shall overshadow the children of men in the day of trouble, and the wisdom of his righteousness shall be as a light in a dark and dreary land.
34. Now as many as desire to meditate upon the wonders of that soul wherein a portion of my glory is made to dwell, let them have faith and steadfastness in abundance.
35. For where faith is not, the glory of God is not made manifest; and except there be steadfastness of heart, the mind of man shall surely grow weary and sorrow shall follow hard after him.
36. Therefore, let those who desire to meditate possess unto themselves both patience and love exceeding.
37. For in patience shall they possess again their souls unto a fulfillment of glory; and except their meditations be done according to the love of God which is in them, they shall profit nothing.
38. Seeing now that there is given unto the children of men a way wherein they might come to a knowledge of the designs of God, let them magnify unto their joy that part of God which is given unto them.
39. And if they will be faithful to walk uprightly before me, that they be not entangled again by the sensibilities of the body, then shall I arise from my holy habitation and I shall come forth unto them and make my abode with them.
40. For I delight to make myself known unto the children of men. Thus was the law decreed from the beginning that kind should cleave to kind.
In meditation and quietness do the righteous find strength. In the wisdom of God are the righteous filled with joy and the end of all their way is peace.
I am serene,
Like a polished mirror finely made
Reflecting from stillness
The likeness
of heavenly things,
Bearing within both heart and mind,
A constant meditation.
~ Book of Pearls 1:5
Choose to be spiritual
And the eternal will be revealed.
the discipline which leads to prayer,
and meditations fill the heart.
Choose to study
and to ponder the words which lead to God,
And in you will rise the strength of angels,
make of you a Master.
Be you likewise constant in prayer and meditation always, for by your reaching unto God is faith made to live and move and breathe within you, causing that there should stand within the very soul a firm resolve to reach higher still, even till you should embrace the heart of God, and thereby live forever.
34. Hear then, and in your heart know deeply well, for if you would increase such faith as you do have, then must you pray and meditate daily; creating through your prayers and meditations a time and place where you alone might draw nigh to God.
35. And in that sacred place and moment shall God come softly forth to whisper within the mind of things sublime and filled with wonder; causing that you should see with the eye and hear with the ear and feel with the heart, the mystery and joy of God.
36. For in that moment when you would pray, or in the quietness of your mind be filled with meditations, even then do you gather the sum of all your soul, being found yourself in a time which is not a time, in a place which is not a place, upon a day which is not a day.
37. For in the moment of your prayers and meditations do you stand before the whole creation as one eternal and without limitations; becoming yourself as one with God, being yourself endless and filled with wonders and mysteries of every kind.
38. Pray, therefore, oft throughout your day, that you might make of all your life a living prayer to God; revealing always the true desires of the heart and soul together, weaving gently through words of faith, psalms of gratitude and thanksgiving, of supplication and of trust.
39. Seeking always through the words you speak, to bless the Father and Mother which love you so; for if you would seek for yourself the blessings of God, then must you also bless the God from which you came; giving to God such tender affections as you would have from God.
40. For the God of Heaven does give to you a true devotion, being anxious and ever quick to hear the prayers of the humble heart; be you, therefore, likewise devoted unto God, being yourself likewise anxious to seek your God in prayer and meditation always.
41. Make of yourself, therefore, a ready vessel to receive from God, being found yourself worthy and acceptable, being possessed within your heart of love and wisdom and goodly expectations.
42. For the true blessings of God should you rightly expect, being yourself always prepared to receive from God with a grateful heart; for it is the thing which you expect that does most often come.
43. And if you should rightly expect within your heart and mind and soul to receive in abundance the blessings of God, then shall you receive the goodly portion, for you have prepared yourself to receive through many prayers and meditations.
44. But if instead you are filled with gloom, and there is made to haunt the heart and mind and soul all manner of hurtful expectations, then do you likewise receive the things which you yourself have called forth unto you; for by the words of your own mouth, do you make real and ever present the things which bless or hurt.
45. For you are the children of God, having in yourselves the power to make of your life the things you will, being made within yourself both the creator or the destroyer of good and happy things.
46. If, therefore, you would hear the voice of God, then prepare well the heart and mind together, letting go the ego which does but push and goad; and in a time and place made sacred through prayers and meditations, yield your soul to God.
47. For meditation is the gateway to the soul within; and prayer the path which leads to God; and if you will give your life to prayer and meditation, then shall faith increase within you; and there shall come in a soft and sudden moment, the voice of God, saying:
48. “Speak, my child, and I shall hear, to fill you up to overflowing with good and happy things; and if there should fall upon you any trial or grievous burden, then shall we, together, turn them to your good.”
49. Thus in prayer and meditation do you yourselves prepare the way where God might speak, revealing in yourselves the eternal and divine.
50. For in prayer and meditation is all your faith gathered as one within the very soul of you; which faith you send forth into the very ethers upon the wings of prayer, carrying within itself the breath of your breath, and the life of your life.
51. And in the moment of your meditation, when the heart and mind are made as one within the soul, then does your faith return again unto you; finding in your many devotions a place of calm and happy refuge, and there shall follow upon the wings of all your faith, the voice which comes from God.
52. For in your prayers do you, yourselves, reach forth to God to sing to the Father and the Mother the fullness of all your hopes and joys and sorrows also; believing always within your faith that God shall surely come.
53. That in your meditations God might likewise draw near to the very doors of all your heart, and there most gently knock; and if you should hear to let her in, then are you both made richly blessed.
54. How then shall you cause your faith to live and grow within you, except that you pray and meditate daily? But if you will not do these things, then shall your faith wither away day by day, while yet there shall increase within your mind a great many burdens.
55. How great then shall be the silence of God within you, seeing that you have made for God no sacred place where she might speak unto your soul; having yourself crowded the hours of all your days with the cares of this life only?
56. Causing that God should find in you no room or place for things eternal and sublime; for you have made yourself to become as common and filled with burdens of every kind, ever grasping and filled with want, yet never able to satisfy the soul which in you dwells.
57. And think not to yourselves that God will answer the prayers of those who would heap scorn and ridicule or judgment upon some other; for God will not consent to the unrighteousness of any man, neither will she partake in such sins as you would commit against another.
58. For every man and every woman are the children of God and if you should wound in the heart or soul one of these dear ones, then have you yourself compelled that God should be silent within you, lest you think yourself justified in the wounding of another.
59. Make yourself, therefore, worthy to receive, banishing from your heart and mind and speech such anger and hate as would take you captive, and turn your heart to love instead, being ever guided by the wisdom which comes from God.
60. Being yourself filled to overflowing with benevolence and faith; seeking always through prayer and meditation the way which you should go.
61. And if you would turn to God in prayer, to repent the sins which wound you so, then shall God most quickly hear, and will day by day, heal you of all your hurt, to restore the soul within.
62. Causing that you should hear at last the voice of God within and without, even till it should fill up the whole creation with light and joy.
63. Pray, therefore, without ceasing, and in your meditations prove yourself both quick and ready to receive the voice of God, that you might strengthen the faith which lies within.
64. For the voice of God forever speaks, filling the airs round about you with songs of hope and joy together, being found itself in the singing of the birds and in the sighing of the wind, causing that even the trees and grass should dance before it.
Let then your commemoration be filled with great rejoicing, being each and every one bound together in celebration; being in your studies and meditations filled with inward joy; reflecting through the things you do the light which glows within.