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Copyright © True Gnostic Church. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions
In what place can hope be found, the strong and stable kind, the hope which never yields or quits, but keeps a steady pace, to lift you up when things go bad, to calm the storms that rage, the hope which bears and quiet endures the trials of all your life?
Come my child and I will tell you, your hope I would reveal, for here within the Song of God, beyond its many pages, hope is born within the heart, to take its breath from you, being made to come alive by a good and eager faith; shaping through the things you do a light which never fails.
For the Song of God is like a house, filled with many mansions, each to each an endless realm filled with many kingdoms; possessing within this book of books, an endless horizon filled with God; always reaching beyond your dreams, to take you further still.
For the Song of God is made the gift which we from Heaven give, to be for you a place of learning filled with sacred wisdom; a place where you and God might meet and there but sweet embrace, a place of refuge from the storm where you might find deliverance.
...Thus in the Song of God is the mind of God revealed, answering well the many questions which men and women ask; containing within its many pages still far more greater mysteries.
Hold up therefore the Song of God and from its pages read, becoming yourselves as good ambassadors, teaching and preaching with joyful hearts that God did not forget; letting shine the light of joy which reveals the prize they seek, to know at last the mind of God and to touch the great eternal.
For in this Song of God is found the way you ought to go, proving for you a path of light which guides you through the darkness, showing forth within its pages a life of greater worth, holding up before your eyes the likeness of God and Heaven.
If then you would awaken the priesthood of your soul then take you now this Song of God and learn it deeply well, committing to your memory the words of life and joy, becoming yourself as one made holy by seizing hold of God.
Let the Song of God be for you as daily bread and the breath of all your life, to fill you up with holy counsel, to light the way before, to lift you up above the storms which often rage about, placing you safe upon that shore where the light of God does shine.
Let it prove itself a mighty river which flows within your soul, till you yourself become the river filled with life abundant, rushing on and ever flowing within the ocean of my dreams, to become yourself as one with God in the living of your life.
For the scriptures which come from God are the guide and blueprint of all your life, giving to your mind a map which you can trust; directing and encouraging the energies of the self, to fill you up with a purpose far beyond yourselves.
Thus into your keeping would the scriptures give the understanding of many things, causing that you should be delivered from such things as would make your life an utter waste, making way within your soul a place where all things beautiful might firm take root.
…for now in all the Song is done, but you alone must live it, to let it sing throughout your life till you become transcended.
“The Song of God, as written by Azrael Ondi-Ahman, contains the true thoughts and feelings of our Heavenly Parents, and these scriptures are the cornerstone of our faith. As true Gnostics, God has provided us with our own original book of scripture, which scriptures contain the true and living gnosis of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.”