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Pronunciation: ahr-KOH-mee-uhm
Occurrences: 1
First Reference: 5th Endowment 5:16
But in the Council of Elohim did there preside over the quorums of Arkomium, Shaemdiel, and he gathered unto himself most secretly, the sons and daughters of his lineage; on the world of Bhugosa did there assemble the sum of all his house which were made as Lords and Gods of Elohim.
Summary: There is only a single reference to the quorums of Arkomium (5:5:16), which were presided over by Shaemdiel when he was Chief Archon.
Who or what is Arkomium referring to?
Do the quorums of Arkomium refer exclusively to the lineage or House of Shaemdiel and Rutheniel?