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Butcher of Malay
Pronunciation: mah-LAY
Occurrences: 2
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 16:10
For we know already that it is Ahgi Wynnaki which commands them, even the Butcher of Malay; for both Manegus and I, myself, did fight against him in years past; and he is a fierce and cunning man of war, being himself the greatest general of the Chen.”
See: Ahgi Wynnaki, Chen, First Track
Summary: During the First Track of the world of the First Power, the great Chen commander, Ahgi Wynnaki, was known as the “Butcher of Malay” (3:16:10; 3:21:11).
And to all these things has Kronus added even greater glory; for the whole empire is made most fully aware of how this Kronus, with but five thousand men only, defeated the one hundred thousand warriors of the Chen.
Causing that the great Butcher of Malay should kill himself because of shame and black despair. Who then will sing the songs of war about this Ahgi Wynnaki, except they first sing of Kronus and his five thousand?
3rd Endowment 21:10-11