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Occurrences: 5
First Reference: 7th Endowment 2:20
Gather therefore your family and friends from out of the Fellowship and in wild and open places, in high meadows beside lakes and streams, reveal to God through jubilation a good and joyful gratitude; for once you were as children lost, confused and filled with constant fear.
Summary: In the 7th Endowment, Heavenly Mother refers to the family of God on earth as being the “Fellowship of God” (7:2:48-55). Those who are bound as one through covenant (7:2:51), who observe the teachings of the Song of God, and gather to celebrate the annual festivals appointed by Heavenly Mother — these are considered the Fellowship of God.
The Fellowship of God is encouraged by Heavenly Mother to gather and celebrate four annual festivals, which festivals are: the Festival of Joy, the Winter Festival of Lights, the Festival of Harvest and Thanksgiving, and the Festival of Lovers.
And this shall prove the second power which would set free the child of God, for
this power is the power of fellowship, which fellowship is born of joy and light
together, revealing quick for all to see the family of God on earth.
For it is also born most deep within, the need to belong and be a part of something greater than yourself, hoping that in the doing you might find some greater purpose; for it is the greater purpose which leads to the greater self.
How then shall the true Fellowship of God reveal itself unto those who yearn to find themselves a home? In what manner shall you comport yourself towards those who believe as you do?
For in the true Fellowship of God are even all made as one through covenant, which covenant would forge together a single heart and mind, reflecting through good fellowship the family of God on earth.
Hear me then and I will tell you, to set before you a good example worthy of emulation; for in the meeting of a brother or a sister within the Fellowship of God, let it be the custom to embrace each other and to give to each a holy kiss upon the cheek, being each to each filled with joyful greetings.
Be you then most happy eager in seeking each the other, establishing well through daily doings the fellowship that you owe; becoming yourself as one most constant, a light within the fold filled with joy and grace.
For this I tell you for your learning, that in fellowship is there found the beginnings of godly grace, being itself pure and undefiled, having as its only aim the care of those you meet; creating deep within the heart the bond of true affection, which affection would bind together even all who would come seeking, to make you one with God.
Thus in fellowship is there revealed the second power of your faith, reflecting from your true affections a home that’s worth the having; becoming itself a place of refuge, a port within the storm, enticing through most joyful grace even all who inward yearn, to find again the God of Heaven and find at last a home.
7th Endowment 2:48-55