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First Reference: 4th Endowment 13:54
Yet notwithstanding all these things, still shall we grant to even all our children the Principles and Rights of Friendship and Continued Associations, which very principle and right shall become the law which the House of Mithron shall administer.
Summary: In the kingdom of Heaven, spirit children of God are allowed to maintain relationships with each other even if individuals end up residing in different principalities (4:13:54-59). This law is administered by the House of Mithron and is referred to in scripture as the “Principles and Rights of Friendships and Continued Associations”.
54 Yet notwithstanding all these things, still shall we grant to even all our children the Principles and Rights of Friendship and Continued Associations, which very principle and right shall become the law which the House of Mithron shall administer.
55 For in the mortal life do the children of our soul forge for themselves a great variety of friendships, which friendships do prove necessary to the happiness of the spirit and soul together.
56 And even though in the kingdom of Heaven one friend should inherit the first principality, while still another friend inherits the second or third principality, yet is it needful that the friendship of both continue; for in the absence of such friendship is there found the loss of something dear, and in this loss would all Heaven be made less because of it.
57 For friendships are a precious thing, and this we must protect for the joy of all our children together; for friendship is a gift of the heart from one soul unto another, which very friendship even death cannot pale or break asunder.
58 Thus through the Principles and Rights of Friendship and Continued Associations shall every kingdom and principality become most deeply aware of each the other, to share through friendship the mysteries and wonders of all greater and lesser glories in the kingdoms of our power;
59 Causing that every man and every woman might go beyond the boundaries of that kingdom wherein they dwell, to see again the friend they love most deeply, if it so be that they should petition the House of Mithron for love’s sake only.