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Pronunciation: AL-bee-ahn
Occurrences: 1
Reference: Azrael’s Commentary - Rufinius
... Rufinius became a devoted follower of Yeshua after the healing of his servant, Albion. ...
Summary: Albion was an endeared servant of a Roman centurion named Rufinius. The servant had fallen ill, but was healed remotely after Rufinius beseeched Yeshua to heal him by the mere speaking of the word (Y:10:1-11).
1. When he was come again unto Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion whose name was Rufinius, and he beseeched the Lord, saying:
2. “Rabboni, my servant is sick with fever, being greatly tormented. Therefore, be gracious unto me for my servant’s sake and heal him, for he has served me well these many years, and he is like a father unto me.”
3. And he answered him, saying: “I will come and heal him.”
4. When the centurion heard this of the Master, he spoke again, saying: “My Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter into my house; but if you will but speak the word only, then shall my servant be healed.
5. For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me; and if I say to this man, ‘Go to yonder place,’ he goes.
6. Or if I say to another, ‘Come and do this,’ he does it. For they, being under authority, obey.
7. Therefore, when I but speak the word, I doubt not, neither do I go and see, for I know that it is done according to my word.”
8. When Yeshua heard these things, he marveled greatly and turning to the disciples, he said: “In all Israel have I not found so great a faith as this man’s.
9. For I tell you truly that many shall go in unto the kingdom before the sons of Israel, for the first shall be last and the last shall be first.”
10. And turning to the centurion, he said: “Go your way and be at peace, for even as you have believed, even so has it been accomplished unto you.”
11. And the centurion, going his own way, went to his house and his servant was healed in the very moment.
Yeshua 10:1-11