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Pronunciation: geh-SHUR
Occurrences: 4 (daughter of) 1 (waters of)
First Reference: Beginnings 9:7
And she called unto her Hypatia, the daughter of Geshur, and she called also unto her Adora of Abel-Beth-Haran. And they did come forth from among the people to stand beside Bashia.
See: Adora, Bashia, Hypatia, Zion
Summary: It is presumed that Geshur was the mother of Hypatia (B:17:26), a leading Matriarch that served with Bashia, the High Priestess of Zion (c. 8,845 BCE).
There is a single reference in the 4th Endowment to the ‘waters of Geshur’ (4:6:6). This body of water was located on the first world of Heaven. It was near the waters of Geshur that the spirit children of God gathered before incarnating on the mortal world of Terralee.
Yet in the temple did Bashia stand before God, that she might offer up for the daughters of Zion the prayers and supplications of the gentle heart, and there was with her Hypatia the daughter of Geshur, and Adora of Abel-Beth-Haran.
Beginnings 17:26
Now when these words were spoken, behold, Bashia did take Hypatia the daughter of Geshur and Adora of Abel-Beth-Haran, and they did go out to meet the king of Sumer, and with them also did they take Japhia, the wife of Methuselah.
Beginnings 18:1
And when these things were completed, Bashia called unto Hypatia the daughter of Geshur, and Adora of Abel-Beth-Haran that they might go again unto the city.
Beginnings 18:42
Now in Heaven, did God prepare that their children should enter the mortal life, and on the fields of Ashleah did they quickly gather; by the waters of Geshur did the children await the coming of the word.
4th Endowment 6:6