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Pronunciation: nuh-THAN-yehl [of] KAY-nuh
Occurrences: 3
First Reference: Yeshua 4:16
But Nathaniel the son of Tolmai rebuked her, for it was thought unseemly among the Jews for a woman to learn the law; for at no time had any rabbi numbered among his disciples a woman, being forbidden by their own traditions.
Azrael’s Commentary — Nathaniel
Contrary to the impressions given in the scriptures, Nathaniel (himself a rabbi) was a very kind, old man who was renowned for his gentleness and humility. However, Nathaniel was very traditional in his views, and he often insisted that Yeshua comport himself as other rabbis did. Yeshua’s acceptance of women as disciples caused a great deal of concern for Nathaniel [Y:4:16]. He truly believed in Yeshua and he wanted to see Yeshua accepted by Jewish leaders as being the messiah which was foretold of in the scriptures. And although this caused a difference of opinion between Yeshua and himself, Nathaniel always acquiesced to the wishes of his master. After the resurrection, Nathaniel lived in Jerusalem. He faithfully awaited the return of Yeshua, and proved a diligent advocate of the new faith. Nathaniel died peacefully while praying in the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives in 51 CE.
Compare: New Testament — John 1:45-47
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When, therefore, Mary was come unto Yeshua, she fell down upon his neck and kissed him; and they which saw were disbelieving; and Nathaniel spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Why will you love this woman more than us?”
The Lord answered him, saying: “If you would turn from following after the traditions of men to seek after God only, even as this woman, then would I love you even as I love her.”
And there was gathered unto Cephas to comfort him, James and John the sons of Zebedee, and Nathaniel of Cana, Thomas Zelotes, and John the scribe who was come up from Jerusalem; and it was in the spring of the year.