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Occurrences: 9
First Reference: Wisdom 28:17
Consider now this present moment, this age in which you live, for it is expedient that we establish among the faithful, the Tabernacle of God’s Peace, to be in each community a beacon of light and hope.
See: Ondi-Ahman (gardens of), Sanctuary, Shem Torath
Summary: The “Tabernacle of God’s Peace” is presented in scripture as two separate but related constructions. While one is a non-physical creation arising from the grace, harmony and love between a man and a woman (2:7:40-42), the other is a physical structure built by a community of believers for the purpose of communion, healing and instruction (W:28:17). In the days of Enoch (c. 8,845 BCE), the holy city of Zion was established as a "tabernacle of peace" (B:6:11, 21).
The Tabernacle of God’s Peace arises initially from the union and oneness of a loving couple. The first Tabernacle of Peace was created by Kronus and Yoshibeth during the First Track (3:30:4-48). This unique relationship was likely a crucial aspect underlying the advent of soul and subsequently, First God. The concept was also introduced by Adam and Eve during the first dispensation (1:10:39-43). The Tabernacle is founded upon the tender affections created between a husband and wife who are bound in grace, love and oneness (2:7:40-42). Creation of a Tabernacle is also founded in the art and practice of worship through sexual intimacy (theugenics ) between a man and a woman (2:7:45-55).
While the woman is responsible for tending the sanctuary of the home, the man is charged with constructing the “tabernacle of God’s peace among the nations and peoples of the earth” (1:10:44-52). This process begins in the relationship between the man and the woman, then moves to include all others of the human family (1:11:23-24).
Communities of believers are encouraged to build physical “Tabernacles of God’s Peace” within the boundaries of exquisite gardens, referred to as the “Gardens of Shem Torath”. The community garden and associated Tabernacle would serve as a “beacon of light and hope”, to be a place of gathering, “healing and instruction regarding the things of God” (W:28:17-19). The community Tabernacles as well as the Temple of Ondi-Ahman are empowered by the Sanctuaries found in the homes of believers (W:28:24-28).
The following phrases are included in scripture, and may all point to analogous concepts:
• Tabernacle of God’s Peace (5)
• tabernacle of peace (8)
• tabernacle of God’s peace (3)
• tabernacle of God (8)
• Tabernacle (1)
Consider now this present moment, this age in which you live, for it is expedient that we establish among the faithful, the Tabernacle of God’s Peace, to be in each community a beacon of light and hope.
Thus in each community shall there be fashioned, a garden of exquisite beauty, and this garden shall be called: The Gardens of Shem Torath; and in the center place shall there be built a tabernacle where even all believers might be gathered into one, to take to themselves both healing and instruction regarding the things of God.
Thus is there given unto this world just one temple only, to be found in the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman; while of the Tabernacle of God’s Peace there shall be many, each one found within a garden, called the Gardens of Shem Torath.[...]
For all that is holy and come from God is first made manifest in the Sanctuary of the home, and from there shall the Spirit of God move into the life of the family, which Spirit is carried into the Tabernacle of God’s Peace to bless the community in which you live.
Wisdom 28:17-19, 27
For I would establish between the man and the woman the Tabernacle of God’s Peace; being of itself not made with hands or fashioned of brick and stone, but rather that it should be drawn from the heart and fashioned of the soul within;
Having for its very foundation the beginnings of some endless love, being dressed and strongly girded through such devotions and tender sighings as even God hath ordained between the man and the woman;
Having for its summit an endless sky filled with dreams and visions, being of itself without limitations or boundaries; but having instead that limitless horizon which would move forever outward, even until it should embrace within itself the whole of all creation.
2nd Endowment 7:40-42