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Dispensationalism /

Dispensation (Law of)


Occurrences:  7 (Law of)

First Reference:  Beginnings 24:38


Now consider how my Father, even Ahman, has appointed unto the seven Arch-Angels the Law of Dispensation, whereby much righteousness should be brought to pass.

See:  Adapting the Process, Covenant of Promise, Emmanuelite, Hodos Alea, (TG) Dispensationalism, (TG) Reincarnation


Summary:  The Law of Dispensation (dispensationalism) entails a systematic, covenant-protected process utilized by celestial Councils to reveal and restore the knowledge of God (gnosis) for the sake of spirit children living mortal lives. This dispensing of knowledge happens incrementally over specific periods of time, referred to as dispensations. There are seven dispensations to a mortal schooling cycle, with each dispensation established and overseen by senior members of the divine collective. In our case, each dispensation is presided over by one of the seven ruling Arch-Angel couples of the celestial Council of Elohim (B:24:38).


The Law of Dispensation governs the schooling process originally designed by the First God, Areta and The One (4:5:1—4:6:60), for the benefit and progression of God and their spirit children. After eternities of refinement, the Law of Dispensation presently works according to a set of oaths and covenants established between the Ahman of the Council of Elohim, the seven chief Arch-Angels of the Council, and the Heavenly Parents (the Emmanuel and Sophiel) of the spirit children who have chosen to enter into the Hodos Alea the pathway of eternal progression (2:7:1-6; 4:1:31-32).


In order for innocent spirit children to grow and mature in the likeness of their Heavenly Parents, it is necessary for them to experience the opposition inherent in the school of mortal life (2:9:40-43; 4:4:50-58). By living their appointed lives throughout the seven dispensations, the children of God are able to refine their spirit and soul to the extent of achieving an exalted, more glorified state of existence. The Law of Dispensation is founded in the promise that the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother will always guide and nurture their children during their multiple mortalities. Dispensationalism provides an equitable way whereby spirit children (and Heavenly Parents) might progress and mature, according to their own desires, to become more like their Heavenly Parents.


The dispensations are uniquely tailored to teach God’s children seven fundamental virtues: Wisdom, Benevolence, Faith, Justice, Fortitude, Beauty, and Harmony. These virtues, being absolute and incorruptible, serve as the pillars of holiness and the foundation for all of Heaven’s glory.



Consider, therefore, the virtue by which the children of men are made holy before God; for upon the foundation of holiness are there made to dwell seven pillars of exceeding richness, and upon these pillars is exaltation granted unto the righteous.

Consider, therefore, these seven: wisdom, benevolence, faith, justice, fortitude, beauty, and harmony. Upon these things are there made to dwell all the glories of eternity.

Wisdom 26:36-37


The first dispensation and its correlated virtue (wisdom), is the most crucial, as it provides the foundation for all forth-coming dispensations and the continued development of virtue (W:26:48-51; 3:5:20; 4:6:18-19). Each of the seven dispensations is complete in itself, having its own unique and subtle teaching which both builds upon that which has been previously established, and serves to prepare for the next dispensation to come. The dispensations flow seamlessly throughout the onward progression of human consciousness, revealing to the ardent seeker mysteries of the eternal and the hidden gnosis of God.


Each of the dispensations is initiated and overseen by a dispensational leader — one of the seven chief Arch-Angels appointed to be born into mortal life to counsel and instruct God’s children. The most senior of the Arch-Angels (referred to as the Chief Archon) not only initiates the first dispensation, but presides over the administration of all seven dispensations (W:16:43-46).


The first dispensation is initiated only after the Holy Spirit (the Sophiel) has introduced the dream state to evolutionary humans (AZC — El Shalon/Shaloah:  4. Emmanulite and Holy Spirit; E:7:57-58). Once the dream state has been strongly established, the Chief Archon may commence the first dispensation, at which time, he (along with his eternal Beloved) will descend upon the earth and walk into the lives of the native humans as the Adamilus and Evelah (B:1:5; 4:6:58-60). The mortal offspring of Adamilus and Evelah will host the first spirit children to incarnate into the first dispensation (see: Adaam).


According to the conventional format first established by Areta and The One, each dispensation is designed to last 2,000 years (4:6:55). Spirit children make a covenant to live a specified number of mortalities during each of the seven dispensations:



21  ...for God appointed that each spirit child should move through all the dispensations whereby they might receive, each according to their own desires, a full knowledge of wisdom, benevolence, faith, justice, fortitude, beauty, and harmony;

22  Causing that in the years of the first dispensation should every child live just one mortal life, while in the second dispensation was it appointed that each child should live two mortal lives; and in the third dispensation was there given three mortal lives.

23  But unto the fourth dispensation did God give to each child five mortal lives, while in the fifth dispensation was there appointed seven lives; and in the sixth dispensation was there given to each child some eleven mortal lives, while yet in the seventh dispensation there was appointed thirteen mortal lives.

24  Thus did the children of God move most eagerly through the dispensations, each according to their several appointments, which appointments would refine the spirit and soul of the child within;

25  Being themselves carried from one life into the next through the rebirth of the soul again and again, going themselves from grace to grace, here a little, there a little, line placed on line, and precept built on precept, even until they should touch for themselves a fullness of goodly things.

4th Endowment 9:21-25



The number of mortal incarnations required for each dispensation is as follows (conventional format):


1st Dispensation      1 life

2nd Dispensation     2 lives

3rd Dispensation      3 lives

4th Dispensation      5 lives

5th Dispensation      7 lives

6th Dispensation      11 lives

7th Dispensation      13 lives


Total incarnations:   42


Human population is one of the factors dictating the number of times spirit children are required to incarnate in a particular dispensation. A larger population allows for an increased number of incarnations. The growing complexity of the mortal life experience, coupled with the general intent of spirit / soul refinement may also be factors in the number of mortal incarnations required for each dispensation.


Once the seventh dispensation is complete, spirit children inherit a glorified existence compatible with their pursuits and desires — as made evident throughout the living of their mortal lives (4:31:48-68). Continued progression in the kingdoms of Heaven can only be achieved by living additional mortal lives (W:24:6-8). This opportunity is always available for those who truly desire it.


The 4th Endowment portrays what the original process (the prototype version) of Dispensationalism looked like. Because Areta and The One were the first Heavenly Parents, they initiated and oversaw all the dispensations established during the inaugural schooling event on the world of Terralee, the first mortal world created by God. The dispensations on our earth follow a modified format compared to dispensations established on worlds made by God, like the world of Terralee.[*] General details of the each dispensation on the world of Terralee and this earth, including the mortal and immortal identities of each dispensational leader are listed below:



































































Azrael and the 6th Dispensation

Archie D. Wood, Sr. (aka: Azrael-Ondi-Ahman), author of the Song of God, maintains that he was foreordained to establish the sixth dispensation on this earth. Azrael has stated that with the completion of the Song of God and its first printing in 2008, the sixth dispensation has officially begun.




[*] Adapting the Process

In order to accommodate the unique environment of this cosmos and this world, the structure and format of the dispensations have had to be altered in order to successfully accomplish the designs of God.
Adapting the Process)



Lucifer’s Dispensations

Prior to the advent of Adam and Eve and the first dispensation of God (c. 12,775 BCE), Lucifer (Shaemdiel) and the Fallen initiated efforts to establish dispensations of their own on the world of the First Power, based upon the Law of Immediate Recompense. Lucifer saw the arrival of Adam and Eve as a threat to his own dispensations. From that moment on, the Fallen sought to distort and undermine the designs of God by fighting against the Adamic family and their intent. The disruptive influence of Lucifer and the Fallen remained one of many unique challenges for the Elohim in their efforts to bring about the dispensations of God on this world.

Enlightenment 11–13           6th Endowment 3–5               1:8:21-42              1:2:19-25               6:8:1-15




Relevant passages:  4th Endowment 5:34-56            4th Endowment 6:1-60


Seven Arch-Angels

Consider now my mighty ones, even these seven; these shall I send to the earth to teach the children of men the ways of holiness, that the children of men might walk uprightly before the Father of their soul and not grow weary, for unto the righteous shall I give an everlasting testimony.

Wisdom 15:32


Therefore, over all the worlds of creation whereunto the children of men are made to dwell, has God ordained unto each seven dispensations, and over each has he set his Arch-Angels, that they might bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

And God ordained that the eldest among the Arch-Angels should preside in all righteousness over all the dispensations which are established. ...

Consider how great this mystery is: that over each dispensation an Arch Angel is given power and authority, that he might bring about the great designs of God. That when they should again enter mortality, they might teach unto all who are able great knowledge, even the knowledge of God.

Wisdom 16:44-45, 48



Purpose and Design of Dispensationalism

For the dispensations did God organize in deep and subtle fashion, being in their inmost workings imperceptible to those who knew not God, but revealing to those who sought with eager heart to ponder well the ways of God; to these did the dispensations disclose the mystery and the light.

Revealing in awe and wonder the deeper things of God, being themselves, in their nature, ineffable and most subtle in design, bringing into the mind of the willing heart that touch of glory filled with God.

For the things of God are wise and holy, and must be deeply sought; being hid in common view from those who would but mock, yet ever waiting for that one who did most earnestly seek to know of things eternal, and in the knowing find most revealed, the source of endless wonder.

Thus did God ordain that there be given to mortal life the seven dispensations, being each and every one complete, yet building on each other, building in most subtle fashion a fullness of instruction filled with joy and happy life;

Being in their function like a deep and mighty river which would sweetly flow, to touch the life of every child who would know their God, being moved and left awash in the waters of their soul.

4th Endowment 6:13-17


...for God appointed that each spirit child should move through all the dispensations whereby they might receive, each according to their own desires, a full knowledge of wisdom, benevolence, faith, justice, fortitude, beauty, and harmony;

Causing that in the years of the first dispensation should every child live just one mortal life, while in the second dispensation was it appointed that each child should live two mortal lives; and in the third dispensation was there given three mortal lives.

But unto the fourth dispensation did God give to each child five mortal lives, while in the fifth dispensation was there appointed seven lives; and in the sixth dispensation was there given to each child some eleven mortal lives, while yet in the seventh dispensation there was appointed thirteen mortal lives.

Thus did the children of God move most eagerly through the dispensations, each according to their several appointments, which appointments would refine the spirit and soul of the child within;

Being themselves carried from one life into the next through the rebirth of the soul again and again, going themselves from grace to grace, here a little, there a little, line placed on line, and precept built on precept, even until they should touch for themselves a fullness of goodly things.

4th Endowment 9:21-25


Thus was there established by God the outward flowing of Hodos Alea, being bounded on every side, and within, by the laws and principles of eternal progression.

For in the worlds of mortality did the children of God flow through the dispensations, going from the first to the last, flowing as a mighty river from one life to the next even till all was made complete, causing that the children of God should choose for themselves that heavenly glory wherein they might find their joy.

4th Endowment 32:13-14


Consider, therefore, the purposes of those dispensations which I shall set forth in yonder world, for unto the angels have I ordained the seven dispensations whereby we might establish in the world of First Man the notion of heavenly things, whereby all those who dwell there upon might take unto themselves a knowledge of God, that by their efforts in reaching forth, they might create for themselves some beginning of endless soul.

And of those dispensations do you know full well the workings thereof, for in all the worlds which we have fashioned have we set to preside over them the dispensations of God.

For in the working of our dispensations did we set forth to guide carefully and wisely the spirit children of God; that entering into the fiery furnace of mortality, they might see clearly plain the way of holiness.

For unto the seed of all our lineage would we give some constant reminder of an endless progression; that perceiving subtly the designs of God in the mortal life, they might choose rightly between the lesser and greater portion.

1st Endowment 8:9-13


For from the very beginning did God give the very means and pathway of reincarnation, wherein every man and every woman, who possess eternal spirit, might be given a great many lives whereby they should come to learn for themselves the way of eternal things, being in themselves delivered from the fear of death.

For even the Father and Mother which dwell beyond would have the children of their soul to see in the mortal life some school only; that going through the days of their mortality, they might learn for themselves the way which is greater still.

2nd Endowment 9:39-40


For from the foundation of Heaven, which foundation is holiness, rise forth seven pillars of great virtue. And except one attain unto wisdom, even the greatest of all, how shall they know the justice of God, or the beauty of heavenly things?

Wisdom 26:48

dimensions, primes, fractals
Dispensation of Fullness

World of Terralee

Dispensational Leaders

(Prototype format)


Dispensational Leaders

(Modified format)

1st Dispensation

Adamilus & Evelah

(Areta & The One)


1st Dispensation

Adam & Eve

(Michael & Sher-el)

c. 12,775 – 11,845 BCE (AZC)

2nd Dispensation


(The One)


2nd Dispensation



c. 5,035 – 4,085  BCE (?)

3rd Dispensation




3rd Dispensation



c. 1,600 – 1,200 BCE (?)

4th Dispensation


(The One)


4th Dispensation



c. 750 - 700 BCE

5th Dispensation

Abbahdon & Gaia

(The One & Areta)


5th Dispensation

Alvin Smith


1798 — 1893

6th Dispensation


(The One)


6th Dispensation

Archie D. Wood, Sr.  


1947 - present

7th Dispensation





(ref:  4th Endowment)

7th Dispensation





(ref:  W:2:38; 1:1:12; 1:3:18-48)