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Pronunciation: ooz-ZAI-uh
Occurrences: 1
First Reference: Yeshua 45:16-17
The Lord answered them, saying: “Go into Jerusalem, unto Uzziah’s well and there will you see a man carrying upon his head a water pot; and when you have found him follow him unto his house.
And when he would enter in, speak unto him, saying: ‘The Master has said: Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples; for, behold, my time is at hand.’”
Summary: Uzziah was king of Judah in the 7th century BCE. His reign in Jerusalem was prosperous and his reputation as an able ruler was widespread. According to Hebrew scripture, Uzziah offended the high priest and God by entering the temple to burn incense on the altar — an act seen as defiant and rebellious. As Uzziah was offering incense, there was an earthquake and he was immediately struck with leprosy (2 Chronicles 26:19-21).
Uzziah’s well (established somewhere in Jerusalem) was the location where Yeshua instructed his disciples to find a particular man who would provide a guest room for them to use for the Passover meal (Y:45:16-17).
2 Chronicles 26
2 Kings 15