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Occurrences: 3
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 18:16
And there was given unto Kronus a monthly allowance of five thousand golden crowns by which he might run the affairs of all his house; and not this only, for the Emperor did command that Kronus submit to the Imperial Registry the design for his personal Coat of Arms.
See: Drakonia, First Track, First World, Kronus Maximillius, Kronus (House of)
Summary: Kronus Maximillius created a Coat of Arms to represent his House. The design was that of a shield divided in half, with one side presenting the image of a serpent, and the other side showing a dove carrying a lightning bolt (3:21:21). The meaning of the imagery was likely inspired by the wisdom teachings of his mother, the mortal manifestation of Areta.
Now there appeared in the arbor, Kronus Maximillius, being dressed in the finest of purple tunics, and wearing a gold breastplate which bore the emblems of his house; for the Coat of Arms which Kronus made did comprise a shield of war, divided in half; and on the one half was there seen a great serpent, while on the other was there found a dove which did but carry a lightning bolt.
3rd Endowment 21:21