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Pronunciation: tih-bur-EEN
Occurrences: 3
First Reference: Enlightenment 7:1
By the waters of Oberon, near the seas of Tibereen did the darkness lay brooding; boasting ever of his power and might, and all the earth groaned because of him.
See: Jehovah-Yahweh, Oberon, Sophiel
Summary: Scripture relates an earthly, prehistoric encounter between the Demiurge prince, Jehovah-Yahweh, and the Holy Spirit of God, referred to as Sophiel. The event is described to have taken place “by the waters of Oberon, near the seas of Tibereen” (E:7:1). The geographic location of these bodies of water is unknown. Sophiel’s power confounded Jehovah-Yahweh, as she calmed the elements and restored that which was damaged by the destructive wrath of the Demiurge. This first defeating encounter instilled in Jehovah-Yahweh a fear and hatred of women, which fear and hatred found expression in the subjugation and servitude of women on the world of the First Power (E:7:48-56).
And Jehovah-Yahweh, breathing out many threats, did strike the earth with sore displeasure,
and, behold, the waters of Oberon did the molten fires of distant mountains rush
forth to consume;
And the seas of Tibereen did cast themselves up into a mighty heap, and the lands which lay round about became scorched and wounded by the heat of his great fury.
But Sophiel did but softly laugh in the midst of all these woes, and reaching down she touched the earth with the foot of her beauty, and there sped forth from the touch of her a healing balm which caused to come upon the land a great refreshing.
Memories flashed within his mind,
of conflict once forgot,
darkly stirring recollections,
when once before he fought.
Beside the waters of Oberon
near the sea of Tibereen,
a woman dressed in sparkling light,
her powers unforeseen.
Sophiel the beautiful,
Sophiel the wise,
standing quietly calmly musing
beneath the bluing skies.
How fiercely burned the memory
when once so long ago,
a woman standing all alone
had proved his greatest foe.