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General Videos - EROEL video series »
Failure of Religion and Atheism
27:56 – why discuss beliefs? aesthetic response ▪ reason and faith ▪ power of speech ▪ assuming responsibility ▪ God evolved from humanity
15:09 – manifesting the divine ▪ piety is not holiness ▪ Gnostic teachings abandoned ▪ duped by religion ▪ True Gnostic peace ▪ the birthseed of God
10:22 – man’s peace vs God’s peace ▪ a peace rooted in choice ▪ tyranny is not peace ▪ failure of old peace models ▪ peace begins with you
11:51 – a peaceful declaration of war ▪ tactics and strategies ▪ doing the unexpected ▪ Yeshua and Gandhi ▪ divine defiance ▪ a new hardwiring
Spiritual Pursuit, Science & Faith
20:46 – always at the beginning, metaphysical methodology ▪ feelings and rational thought ▪ what color is God? one book many paths ▪ faith empowered by choice
Gnostic Faith vs Religious Fear
7:26 – distinquishing true faith ▪ God is not a mugger ▪ fear-based religions ▪ unrighteous dominion ▪ the right to walk away ......................................................................
7:25 – captured by the past ▪ letting go of pain ▪ transformation ▪ becoming Only Begotten
Gnostic Sanctuaries and Priesthood
1:47 – recognizing and experiencing the sacred ▪ Azrael’s role ▪ looking within
2:23 – Song of God is about humanity - not doom and gloom ▪ God evolved from humanity ▪ no need to fear the future, closing of the 7th Dispensation
Gnostic Manual from the Future
3:08 – why join the True Gnostic Church? God offers us Their future - Song of God is the manual ▪ the Song is familiar to those who come from God
Heavenly Mother & the LDS Church
Gnostic Fellowship - pt 1: Examining LDS Doctrine of Eternal Families
4:46 – Why does the Mormon church teach being sealed to earthly parents instead of Heavenly Parents?
Gnostic Fellowship - pt 2: Revealing the Family of God on Earth
7:42 – The purpose of fellowship in the True Gnostic Church ▪ comparing families - divine and mortal
Gnostic Fellowship - pt 3: Transformation and Transcendence
6:55 – Creating a spirit of Oneness among true Gnostics ▪ reincarnation ▪ becoming Only Begotten
Gnostic Fellowship - pt 4:
The Power of Oneness
4:42 – Bending the fate of nations and kings ▪ I AM an eternal being ▪ the gardens of Ondi-Ahman
Gnostic Fellowship - pt 5:
The Religion of True Gnostics
3:27 – A church of true Gnostics - whose religion is humanity ▪ building a new Heaven and earth
Two Sides to Every Coin - pt 1
Two Sides to Every Coin - pt 2
20:12 – Discovering transformation ▪ reflecting the peace of God ▪ who can create a sanctuary?
8:12 – How to keep the peace of God ▪ seduced by illusions ▪ lured and baited by strong opinions
Azrael explores the relationships between dreams, visions, creation, and reality. He explains how to transform our dreams into reality by actively working on our visions. We give life to our dreams by consistently applying ourselves to the breath of our words, actions, and commitment. He uses Heaven as an example of a dream maturing and evolving into a “massive reality.”
He discusses how other belief systems lack real meaning because they are deficient in constructive pragmatism. These belief systems are significantly limited because they are devoid of a substantial framework needed to build a functional spiritual system upon.
Transform the stumbling blocks of yourself – discouragement, disappointment, disillusionment – by latching onto God’s dream.
“There is one thing that I can do better than any other person on this planet. I can make God real to those who really want to know God. That I can do. I am the master.”
Do what you say you’re going to do. Follow through, don’t give up, endure the storms of mortality. Transform the pain and use it as the fire that shapes and fulfills your dreams.
“Everybody goes through it. Mortality is kinda rough. If you’re going to make it, you’ve gotta be tough.”
Related Verses from the Song of God
For man is the dreamer which would see through the darkness clearly plain; touching in his soul those hidden things which would compel that he create what is uncreated, fashioning from the dreams within, such things as would draw him closer still to God;
Breathing into such timely visions, the breath of his own life; causing that the fruits of all his dreams should take living form, to walk upon the earth; touching through the affairs of men, the hidden soul within.
2nd Endowment 10:56-57
Where shall we start, both you and I, to shape a good tomorrow; where dreams do walk as mighty visions which touch the life of Man? In what place shall we begin? How make the dream come true?
Wisdom 28:7
Will you choose to be the one in whom I can confide? Will you hear the words I speak to make them as your own? Will you place your hand in mine to make the dream come true, to stand yourself before the world filled with greater vision? Will you love as I do love, will you my song become?
7th Endowment 1:32