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Living Gnosis of the Ahgendai


Turning Dreams Into Visions

21:44 – reality of Heaven ▪ mindless New Age fluff ▪ the stumbling block of self ▪ resolve & adversity ▪ making God real


Failure of Religion and Atheism

27:56 – why discuss beliefs? aesthetic response ▪ reason and faith ▪ power of speech ▪ assuming responsibility ▪ God evolved from humanity


Honor and Peace - part 1

4:21 – living your stated beliefs ▪ do we really want peace? creating honor ▪ identifying true belief ▪ Prince of Peace...where’s the peace?


Honor and Peace - part 2

15:09 – manifesting the divine ▪ piety is not holiness ▪ Gnostic teachings abandoned ▪ duped by religion ▪ True Gnostic peace ▪ the birthseed of God


Peace Warrior - part 1

10:22 – man’s peace vs God’s peace ▪ a peace rooted in choice ▪ tyranny is not peace ▪ failure of old peace models ▪ peace begins with you


Peace Warrior - part 2

11:51 – a peaceful declaration of war ▪ tactics and strategies ▪ doing the unexpected ▪ Yeshua and Gandhi ▪ divine defiance ▪ a new hardwiring


Peace Warrior - part 3

13:41 – Christian nations still fighting ▪ Yeshua: love your enemies ▪ identifying the real enemy ▪ ego: battlefield of the soul ▪ the right to be kind


Spiritual Pursuit, Science & Faith

20:46 – always at the beginning, metaphysical methodology ▪ feelings and rational thought ▪ what color is God? one book many paths ▪ faith empowered by choice


Gnostic Faith vs Religious Fear

7:26 – distinquishing true faith ▪ God is not a mugger ▪ fear-based religions ▪ unrighteous dominion ▪ the right to walk away ......................................................................

Let Go and Transcend

7:25 – captured by the past ▪ letting go of pain ▪ transformation ▪ becoming Only Begotten


Gnostic Sanctuaries and Priesthood

9:50 – purpose and value of a sanctuary ▪ gnostic priesthood and its offices ▪ creating sacred moments ▪ connecting with God


In Search of the Sacred

1:47 – recognizing and experiencing the sacred ▪ Azrael’s role ▪ looking within


God is our Future

2:23 – Song of God is about humanity - not doom and gloom ▪ God evolved from humanity ▪ no need to fear the future, closing of the 7th Dispensation


Gnostic Manual from the Future

3:08 – why join the True Gnostic Church? God offers us Their future - Song of God is the manual ▪ the Song is familiar to those who come from God


Heavenly Mother & the LDS Church

1:55 – Heavenly Mother silenced and covered up ▪ Mormonism and Islam ▪ Original Sin and Christianity - a ‘monster religion’


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 1: Examining LDS Doctrine of Eternal Families

4:46 – Why does the Mormon church teach being sealed to earthly parents instead of Heavenly Parents?


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 2: Revealing the Family of God on Earth

7:42 – The purpose of fellowship in the True Gnostic Church ▪ comparing families - divine and mortal


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 3: Transformation and Transcendence

6:55 – Creating a spirit of Oneness among true Gnostics ▪ reincarnation ▪ becoming Only Begotten


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 4:
The Power of Oneness

4:42 – Bending the fate of nations and kings ▪ I AM an eternal being ▪ the gardens of Ondi-Ahman


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 5:
The Religion of True Gnostics

3:27 – A church of true Gnostics - whose religion is humanity ▪ building a new Heaven and earth


Two Sides to Every Coin - pt 1

25:28 – Duality ▪ ‘As Man is - God once was’ ▪ the birth and death of gods ▪ time travel ▪ bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of Man


Two Sides to Every Coin - pt 2

27:44 – Unraveling the mystery ▪ discovering eternal Self ▪ going to the mountains ▪ a God that showed up ▪ the process of becoming ▪ turning pain into beauty


The Gnostic Sanctuary

20:12 – Discovering transformation ▪ reflecting the peace of God ▪ who can create a sanctuary?


Preserving the Sacred Moment

8:12 – How to keep the peace of God ▪ seduced by illusions ▪ lured and baited by strong opinions





Many speak of peace. If we truly want it, we will create it. In order to do so, it’s imperative that we as individuals have a very clear and complete understanding of who we are, and what we truly believe. Honor is living what you say you believe, without compromise.


No one can take away your honor, you must surrender it.
No one can give you honor. You create it. Your honor is unique to


Honor is not that hard to get: sit down, identify what you really believe, and act in accordance with those beliefs. You can only say you believe something if it affects your behavior.


There have been two thousand years of worshiping the Prince of Peace. Where's the peace?


Don’t surrender your honor for the sake of church authority!



Related Verses from the Song of God


…for honor is born through the keeping of your word, being yourself most firmly guided through the tenets of your faith.

7th Endowment 5:22


Remember well and practice daily the rules of honor and integrity, for a life without honor is a dark and burdensome thing, and except you possess within yourselves the light of integrity, then shall your life appear as dark and filled with trouble.

Commit yourself with confidence to those who live honorably, but withhold your hand from those who have no honor; accepting from such neither favor nor advantage, for it is unseemly that those who live honorably should prove indebted to those who have no honor: For what communion has light with darkness?

Be you, therefore, as one made firm of mind and deeply fixed within, being yourselves neither swayed nor moved midst blame or praise, but being yourselves most firmly committed to do the goodly thing; not yielding to the smallness of others, but cleaving with steadfast heart to the things which come from God, for in God alone shall you find the beauty of yourselves.

Causing that you should show towards all men, whether good or bad, a kind and courteous manner, made of grace and art together; for except you take joy in the happiness and well-being of others, you yourselves will not be happy, becoming within yourselves devoid of every beauty, being instead consumed by envy and petty jealousies filled with vain and empty wants.

4th Endowment 28:3-6




» Topical Guide:  PEACE,  BELIEF,  FAITH,  HONOR

» Video:  Honor and Peace - part 2
