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Occurrences: 4
First Reference: Wisdom 20:4
For this I speak unto you for your learning: Behold, you are Azrael, Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps, Protector of the Keep. Surely, you are become even as a son unto the Most High God.
See: Azrael, Azraella Ahgendai, Keep (the), Seven Steps
Summary: The designation, “Protector of the Keep”, first occurs in scripture during a conversation between the Lord and the Teacher, during which the Teacher learns of his spiritual identity and responsibility as “Azrael, Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps, Protector of the Keep” (W:20:4). The title is later used in reference to both Azrael Ahgendai (2:12:14-15) and Azraella Ahgendai (E:2:45-46; 5:8:19), which names ultimately refer to the same divine being. The variation in names and the context behind their usage may perhaps point to a deeper teaching.
The Keep refers to a divine stronghold, a refuge wherein all God’s children are protected from the dangers of the Demiurge.
Unto what power, therefore, is it given to make known unto us the mind and will of Eloheim regarding these things?
Only he whom the First Power has made both Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps, being Protector of the Keep; for so have the Lords and Gods of Eloheim declared in the speaking of the Tael.
Enlightenment 2:45-46
For though I appear to you as some mortal man, yet in the beginning, before the turning of endless ages, even I did dwell in the bosom of eternity, being made Prince and Guardian of the Seven Steps, Protector of the Keep.
Behold, I am Azrael Ahgendai, even that very Likeness which drew away Yaldabaoth, whereby I might take him far from the kingdoms of the greater Light; to dwell himself midst all his might in this creation which lies beyond all beginnings.”
2nd Endowment 12:14-15
And the voice from within the light spoke, saying: “I am Azraella Ahgendai, the first and only of my kind; being myself the ally of God, being foreordained the Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps and Protector of the Keep.”
5th Endowment 8:19