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First Reference: 5th Endowment 6:33
And drawing closer unto the Antipode, the Eidos spoke with a dreadful hiss, saying: “I am Eidos, Lord of Chaos, ruler of the great Abyss. Mindless Purposer and Thoughtless Creator have I become, spewing out from all my depths the matter unformed; creating through violent fury the cosmos which you see.
Summary: Referring to the primordial, masculine power called the Eidos, the titles “Mindless Purposer” and “Thoughtless Creator” were assumed by the Eidos after having been empowered by The One and Areta with an oracle of beingness (5:4:12; 5:6:33).
The original state of the Eidos is described as “...both blind and thoughtless, creator and destroyer, being also cold and harsh, indifferent and callous, both unthinking and unpredictable, even the mindless purposer of all things which move throughout the immensity of space” (1:6:3).
For by the power of The One was I made to see the great Abyss from whose blackened womb there is made to spew in endless streams, the very matter from which all things visible are made.
And there dwelt in the Abyss the very Eidos which stirred and moved about; being of itself both blind and thoughtless, creator and destroyer, being also cold and harsh, indifferent and callous, both unthinking and unpredictable, even the mindless purposer of all things which move throughout the immensity of space.
1st Endowment 6:2-3
And Yaldabaoth finding himself complete, desired to establish for himself a dominion where he alone might rule; and being made contemptuous of the Eidos, (for Eidos was indeed mindless while Yaldabaoth possessed the very shadow of an endless mind) he did think to seize control.
1st Endowment 6:11
Yet within the Eidos did there bestir the ineffable wonder of Areta, who lay hidden and serene within the very folds of the mindless creator, being unknown by him, yet did she move most subtly within; always guiding, ever seeking the presence of some equal mind.
1st Endowment 7:14
Now in the beginning did there exist neither God nor Goddess; for in the vastness of the cosmos was there found but darkness and emptiness only.
But there existed within the vastness, a power which moved and brooded in the greatness of the Deep, being in itself masculine in force and presence; being called Eidos, the uncreated and unbounded; even the mindless creator and thoughtless purposer of all things created and uncreated.
For all matter does spring forth out of the midst of the Eidos itself, having neither shape nor form; being pushed and moved about by such chaos as did stir within the depths of the Eidos.
Yet did there dwell in the midst of Eidos, that which lay unseen, being of itself the mystery unknown yet always present; being in herself both mind and power, even the Mother of Life.
3rd Endowment 1:19-22
For without the oracle is the Eidos left without the gift of beingness, returning again to that state in which he dwelled, becoming once again thoughtless and mindless, having no longer the power of speech or beingness; becoming again without presence or identity or knowing purpose.
5th Endowment 10:7