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Pronunciation:  SEH-tee - kahn

Occurrences:  175

First Reference:  3rd Endowment 2:51


Now in the capital of Trajenium did there gather in the House of War, the greatest of the generals and admirals which held command over all the armed forces of the empire; and there sat in power over them, a man called Seti-Kahn, being appointed by the Emperor, the Supreme Commander over all military forces.



See:  A’Kontay, Drakonia, First Track, Trajenium


Summary:  During the First Track of the world of the First Power, Seti-Kahn (son of Suli-Kahn) was the Supreme Commander of all military forces and the third most powerful man within the Drakonian Empire (3:2:51). Seti-Kahn was the biological father of the man later recognized as Kronus Maximillius. As the achievements of young Kronus began to garner the attention of his teachers and commanders at the Military Academy of A’Kontay, Seti-Kahn became both jealous and suspicious, fearing his son would eventually become a threat to his own power and authority (3:8:38-60). If it weren’t for the Emperor’s interest in Kronus, Seti-Kahn would have simply had his son killed. Nevertheless, Seti-Kahn was constantly plotting against Kronus, seeking by some secret means to kill him or damage his reputation. After a failed attempt on Kronus’ life, Seti-Kahn was arrested and found guilty of treason against the empire. He and many of his conspirators were sentenced to be burned at the stake (3:29:1-65). Kronus was appointed to fill his father’s position as Supreme Commander; he was thirty-one years old (3:30:1).



Azrael’s Commentary — Seti-Kahn


A descendant of one of the oldest clans in the nobility. A cruel and treacherous man who jealously guarded his office and reputation, Seti-Kahn was a man who never laughed in his life. He was suspicious of everyone around him, and he never forgave a slight or an offense, regardless of whether or not the slight was intended or not. At the age of six he beat his younger brother to death merely to satisfy his curiosity. He wanted to know what it was like to kill someone. Even as a child, Seti-Kahn was both feared and admired. He was feared for his vicious and unforgiving nature, and he was admired for his courage and cunning. During his entire tenure at the Academy of A’Kontay, from the age of seven to nineteen, he kept mental note of every instructor and centurion who in some way had offended him (3:11:7-12). And after graduation he connived and plotted to have every one of them killed or disgraced. Even as a young cadet at the academy, Seti-Kahn was suspected of murdering other cadets who had offended him in some way. On one occasion, another cadet was always receiving better grades than Seti-Kahn. These grades were always just two or three points better than Seti-Kahn’s. This young cadet was found in the shower with his throat cut and his entrails clogging up the drain. Seti-Kahn was suspected but it was never proven. The weapon of choice for Seti-Kahn was a dagger which he kept razor sharp and carried in his belt at the small of his back.


Seti-Kahn took no notice of his son Kronus, until Kronus began to make a name for himself at the Academy of A’Kontay. His jealousy over Kronus’ success in achieving three gold standards was unbearable. More than anything, Seti-Kahn wanted his son dead and forgotten. The question could be asked: Why didn’t Seti-Kahn just have him killed? The answer to that was simple. As Supreme Commander of the military, Seti-Kahn knew that he was being carefully watched by the state secret police, the Stazzi. And the Stazzi reported directly to the Emperor. Seti-Kahn also knew that the Emperor had taken an interest in his son Kronus. He rightly surmised that the reason behind the Emperor’s interest was the interest the Emperor had in seeing what Seti-Kahn would do about his son. The turmoil which Seti-Kahn felt over the success of his son, Kronus, was a fascinating intrigue which the Emperor took a perverse pleasure in watching (3:9:8-32).


Seti-Kahn viewed all life with contempt and disregard, even his own. The only thing that truly mattered was power and the means necessary to gain it, guard it and use it. He trusted no one. He was cold, aloof and arrogant. He was ruled and guided by only one emotion and that was hate. Only three things gave him pleasure, and these were: gaining more power and prestige, killing or disgracing his enemies, and the raping of their women.


Seti-Kahn achieved the office of Supreme Commander by killing his father Suli-Kahn, who held the office before him. Seti-Kahn was the chief adjutant to his father, and when he felt that he could take his father’s office and power and hold on to it against all other claimants, he simply poisoned his father. It must be said that when faced with his own death, Seti-Kahn faced it calmly and with a sense of relief (3:29:63).





The House of Seti-Kahn       3rd Endowment 4:1-14


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But there stood beside the Emperor, in sullen rage, the father Seti-Kahn, viewing the honors of the son with cold contempt; vowing in his bitter heart to destroy the son which would usurp him.

3rd Endowment 11:57


But in the places of power did there grow a secret plot to kill Kronus, being led by the Regent and Seti-Kahn together; and throughout the city of Trajenium did their agents move most stealthily, seeking here, gathering there, such information as might prove to their advantage.

3rd Endowment 25:15

Sethian Empire
Seti-Kahn (House of)