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Chapter 11
The debate continues – What power makes God wise and holy? – A good and worthy answer:
the love of God – “The whole law is fulfilled in one thing only” – How to preserve
the love within us? – The magistrate: “Cannot the law preserve the love within?”
– An unknown power that guards the love of God – The people ask Noaeya to enlighten
them – Noaeya speaks – Parable: Benevolence and the Shield – The shield – Detachment
– Calmness – Kindness – Humor – The greatest power revealed
1 Great was the hush of all the multitude and deep the stillness lay upon every heart, for the magistrate of Komoru did take most thoughtful counsel of all his peers; and when they were decided, then did the magistrate speak unto Noaeya, saying:
2 “Good Master, we perceive already that you are a wise and holy man which would see clearly the truth behind such words as men might speak, being yourself a discerner of hidden things, reaching within the heart of every man to find the good which deeply lies within the soul.
3 Thus would I answer rightly and with confidence, to tell you before the very multitude that there is a power greater than the law and man together, being itself incorruptible and everlasting, being known by all who live; for it is God which proves the greatest power of all.
4 For even God the Father and the Mother did fashion of the very elements this world on which we live, having drawn from their soul together the land and sea and sky, having created from all their power, all living things.
5 This, then, is the greatest power, which power all must yield before in humble adoration; for in the power of God are both the law and man made subject; and beyond this power is there no greater found, which very power would compel those which do believe to prove themselves as good and gently kind.”
6 Now when Noaeya heard these words, he smiled and he spoke to the magistrate, saying: “It is a good and pleasing answer. Yet, is there not a power which would cause that even God be good and wise and holy?”
7 When the magistrate heard this, he took counsel again of his peers, and when he was himself satisfied, he spoke to Noaeya, saying: “There is but one power only which would cause that God be good, and this most happily so, for in God is there found the power of endless love.
8 Which very love does give birth in God of some joyful need to create all things which are in themselves good and holy; for all beauty and light and glory is drawn forth from the love which dwells in God.
9 Thus, before the love of God would all lesser things prove most pale and weakly thin, to be themselves as shadows only; for the love of God is pure and undefiled, being in God the seed from which would leap forth into the affairs of man all joy and hope together.
10 Let this then prove the greatest power, which very power, if a man or woman should possess themselves, would cause that they too should prove themselves as good and holy, even as God is good and holy.”
11 Thus did the magistrate speak, and Noaeya spoke again, saying: “This, then, is a good and worthy answer, for in the love of God do we find the path where we ourselves might go; for the love which comes from God is ever patient and filled with kindness.
12 And those which would have in their soul the love of God, even they are made content while in the mortal life; for the love which comes from God to dwell within our heart does but always bear all things, believe all things, hope all things and endure all things.
13 For the love of God endures forever, being untouched by anger or wrath or bitter strife, proving always courteous and filled with warmth, seeking always to touch the bitter heart to heal the hurt within, ever encouraging those which prove unable to reach beyond this lesser self, to find at last the love which comes from God.
14 This then be the love of God, being itself untouched by hurtful pride, being neither arrogant nor filled with rudeness towards any man, being free of harsh demands and bitter words, being neither resentful nor aloof towards those which do not know, but does itself rejoice always in the doing of good and holy things.
15 Thus is it good that every man and every woman should love even as God loves, for the whole law is fulfilled in one thing only: that we should love our neighbors even as we ourselves would be loved.
16 Yet in the mortal life do we see the opposite of all things good; how that a man is filled with love and tender words and then, in some brief and passing moment, speak forth words of hate and bitter strife, and this because of anger and pride and the ego of the self.
17 Seeing then that this is so, by what power would we encourage the good while holding back such lesser passions as would rob us of joy and happy light?
18 For joy is the fruit of love, and if the love within be swept away through the rising up of lesser passions, then is all our joy vanished away also, leaving within the wounded soul the seeds of bitterness and strife.
19 How say you, then: If the love of God be the greatest power which would make as truly good every man and every woman, then by what means shall we preserve it within ourselves, to hold at bay such poor emotions as would cause that one man should strike against another?
20 Is there not still some greater power which would preserve the love within our hearts, to shield it from such hurtful passions as do haunt us unawares?”
21 Now when the magistrate heard these words, he was himself most deeply moved by the wisdom of Noaeya and, holding up his hands whereby he might entreat him, he spoke to Noaeya, saying:
22 “My good and gentle Master, cannot the law preserve the love within, to shield it well from hurtful passions? For in the law would every man and every woman be brought to give account for the hurtful things they do.”
23 But Noaeya answered the magistrate, saying: “Love cannot be preserved through fear, neither can the law cause that love should flourish in the soul of any man or woman; for the law does move only upon the outward man which we see, but love is born in the inner man.
24 How then can the fear of the law preserve the love which rises out of the soul, seeing that in the laws of man are there found no powers which would heal the heart, or to preserve within our secret chambers the love which comes from God?
25 But consider well and ponder deep, how that the love of God is rightly served by still some other power which would shield the heart of God from anger and wrath and hate, to guard it well from such petty things as do assail us always.
26 What then be this power which would lift high the greatest power of all, to preserve from lesser passions the love which flows from God even as a mighty river, causing that the love of God should fall upon every man and every woman even as the gentle rain, to fill them up with joy and happy light?”
27 Thus spoke Noaeya, and the magistrate was filled with deep perplexity, and turning to his peers, he took counsel of them; yet were they as equally perplexed concerning the unknown power which would guard well the love of God.
28 And turning to the multitudes, the magistrate spoke, saying: “Come, good citizens and of yourselves most rightly ponder, for we would know this unknown power; therefore, if there be any which knows, then let them speak and we will hear.”
29 Then did the whole multitude speak among themselves, and there arose a great sound, for every man and every woman did examine each the other, being themselves most excited in discussing well the greater issues.
30 And finding no answer among themselves, they did turn to the children to ask of them, for they were believed closest to the kingdom of God, that from their innocence might be seen some deeper wisdom in the knowing of the unknown power; yet were the children unable also.
31 Now when the magistrate saw that no man or woman was able to answer, he spoke to Noaeya, saying: “Good Master, we are unable to speak the name of this unknown power which guards well the love of God.
32 If then you know of this thing, then speak to us of all your knowing and we will hear you, for we perceive rightly that in your words is there revealed a wisdom beyond that of common men, appearing in yourself as a man which knows already the mystery of hidden things.
33 Speak then, good Master, and all your words shall sweetly fall on eager ears, for since the days of Adamilus and Evelah has there come forth no man which could speak in knowing ways of all those things which come from God.
34 Let then the heart be still in every man and every woman, and the earth be filled with silence, for in this very moment would the whole city hear the words of Noaeya whereby we might be benefited.”
35 Then did Noaeya speak from all his soul, saying: “There is a power which would guard well the greatest power; for in this power alone is there found the means by which we would turn aside the arrows of anger and bitter strife, to leave instead as pure and bright such love as we would create within the soul.
36 For this I tell you for your learning, that such love as you would cause to dwell within you, even this do you yourselves create, to fashion in the likeness of such a love as you would receive from God.
37 Come then and I will tell you what this power is like which would shield the loving heart; for in the long ago did the Spirit of Love descend to walk upon the earth whereby every man and every woman might be blessed.
38 And going forth into the affairs of men, there rose up suddenly against the Spirit of Love such harsh and bitter passions as would leave in ruin the joy which comes from God.
39 For when the children of men saw the Spirit of Love, many were offended because of her, thinking love foolish and weak and filled with pretenses, causing that they should hurl against her all manner of anger and hate; to heap upon the Spirit of Love the hurt of scorn and constant ridicule, tempting the Spirit of Love to hate, even as man did hate, whereby she might prove herself as base and common, even as man would be base and common.
40 And when there rose up within the Spirit of Love the touch of bitterness, she did ascend quickly unto God, filled with weeping; and God spoke to her, saying: “Why will you weep, my Love? By what hurt is your joy made to vanish away?”
41 Then did the Spirit of Love speak to God of all which happened in the world of mortal life; and God did comfort the Spirit of Love and gave into her keeping a shield of exquisite beauty finely made, which shield would guard well the heart which loves, to protect it from every hurt and bitter strife, to give to love a constant newness filled with light.
42 And there was engraved upon the face of the shield a crown, and in the crown was there engraved the word Benevolence; and under the crown was there likewise engraved four shining pillars which did bear up the crown whereby it might not be sullied by low and common things.
43 And on each pillar was there found engraved a helpful word, which words were: Detachment, Calmness, Kindness and Humor.
44 Now God spoke to the Spirit of Love, saying: “Take to your soul this shield of benevolence, for even this will protect well the love you bear for mortal men, to keep you safe from such hurtful passions as men themselves are subject to; for in the power of benevolence is there found neither judgment nor condemnation, but kindness and acceptance only.
45 Look you well, therefore, upon such pillars as do bear up the crown of benevolence; for in detachment would you separate your love from the demands of pride and ego together, to set free your soul of such expectations as would fill the heart with bitter disappointments, which very disappointments give rise to anger, then strife, and then the fires of hate.
46 For there is no fire which burns like passion, no capturer of the self like hatred, no snare to the soul like delusion, and no torrent like unceasing want, carrying away upon the flood all tranquility.
47 Detach yourself, therefore, from the demands of inward pride, letting go the self within, that when there should rise up against you the hurt of prideful men, even in the very moment shall you remain untouched by such inward gloom as would fill the heart with dark despair, for in detachment do you let go the ego of the self.
48 Let go, therefore, the self within, and there shall well up within you a deep and inward calm which would shield your love from bitter wrongs;
49 Causing that you should stand unmoved midst blame or praise, but remain yourself as ever calm, becoming in all your many affections as always constant and filled with goodly passions.
50 See then how in detachment and calmness is love preserved in the midst of those which do not love, to fill your heart with hope and rich fulfillment, to stand you forth as ever faithful and true devoted in the loving of every man and every woman.
51 Hear then and be you wise in doing: For benevolence is the crown of godly love, which love endures forever and ever in the kingdom of all my might and glory, proving itself the crown which always shines and never fails.
52 Consider therefore, this pillar whereupon ‘Kindness’ is soft engraved, which kindness you know already yourself to do; for if you would remove from your heart such anger as would rise up within you because of hurtful men, then must you stand as detached and calm before the men of anger.
53 And whensoever they would speak or do a hurtful thing against you, then must you respond most quickly with some kind word or deed;
54 That by your own kindness towards those which do not love, you might preserve your soul from greater injury, having removed through kindness the sting of angry words filled with hate.
55 Thus by kindness would you turn aside such anger as might rise up within you, to leave in ruin the love you bear; and this because of such spiteful things as others would fling against you.
56 Being themselves ever hopeful to prove you less than your greater self, to make you to become even as they are, filled with all manner of bitterness and wrath and hurtful pride.
57 And not this only, my good and tender Love, but consider well this fourth pillar which would hold up the crown of benevolence; for in such good humor as you would permit, even in this shall you preserve the joy which in you dwells, to keep it bright and ever constant within the heart, to dress your countenance with happy smiles and gentle mirth.
58 Thus in kindness do you turn aside the sting of angry men, while in humor you do quell such hot and bitter passions as would rob you of joy.
59 Therefore, my Love, take to your soul the shield of benevolence, that in the practice thereof you might wear it as a crown upon your head, whereby you might preserve the goodness of all your love.
60 Remember well and practice daily the gifts of: detachment, calmness, kindness and humor; for in the doing of these things shall you preserve even your whole soul together, for upon these things only is benevolence made to come alive within the heart.
61 Return now to mortal life and walk you gently through the affairs of men, being yourself neither fearful nor filled with hesitation, for even this benevolence will shield the sum of all your love, to leave as bright and ever constant the love you bear for every man and every woman.”
62 Thus did God speak unto the Spirit of Love, and she returned again to mortal men, to walk in joy beside them, being herself beyond the reach of lesser things; and from that day has there been found no power which could turn aside the power of love, to cast it down into anger and wrath and fearful hate.”
63 Such did Noaeya speak of the greatest power which would cause that all men should do good, if it so be that they should practice the art and grace of: detachment, calmness, kindness and humor.
64 But there rose up in the hearts of many rulers the fear of loss, for they feared that if men should be taught to love even as God loved, then would there be no need for the law, or for those which did administer it, causing that every ruler should lose their place and power.