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Chapter 20
Sariah bids farewell – The world of Terralee – 2,000 years pass – Rise of the Industrial
Age – Pennies, pride and power – The injustice of the rich – God comes to Terralee
as Megordoc – Megordoc falls in love – The parents of Megordoc are angered – Megordoc
is forced into prison – After three years, Megordoc is set free – Moshe and Dedrah
– Moshe is elected the Presiding Patriarch – Moshe is asked to speak
1 Now on a certain day when Sariah was old, being herself some one hundred and fifteen years of age, she gathered together many of the believers; and ascending a mountain, she bid farewell; and many wept because of it, for they did regard her with deep affections.
2 Yet did the days of her sojourn into mortal life wane with the passing of the years; and bidding farewell, Sariah went alone to the mountain summit, and there soon appeared before her a bright and shimmering light.
3 And with great suddenness the light parted, even as a veil, and there was made to stand before her the very God of Heaven, even her own Beloved, being himself attended by a host of Cherubim; and reaching forth his hand, he drew Sariah unto himself.
4 And when she was enfolded within his arms, The One did kiss her upon the lips; and in an instant was she changed in the twinkling of an eye, going from mortality to immortality and eternal life; to stand again as Areta, the queen of Heaven and the first of many Mothers.
5 In that moment did the angels rejoice to see again the Father and the Mother made as one, becoming to each the fulfillment of all joy and goodly expectation; and the veil of light did close round about them, and in an instant were they returned to Heaven’s glory midst hosanna and hallelujah.
6 While yet the mortal world of Terralee continued on, and the teachings of God did go forth unto every city and every people upon the earth, to both instruct and enliven those which proved most willing.
7 And the ages passed, and man continued to progress in the midst of their great civilizations, becoming themselves sophisticated and erudite, being ever anxious to reach some greater height in all their learning.
8 Being hopeful that by so doing they might understand more fully the world in which they lived; seeking eagerly through knowledge the surest path to wealth and power; believing that in these things alone could be found the fulfillment of themselves.
9 Causing that there should appear in the civilizations of man the classes of the rich and the poor, the educated and the unlearned, the strong and the weak, those which have in abundance and those which have not.
10 And there arose a great many law breakers, being themselves inconsiderate of all others save themselves alone, being themselves driven and compelled by poverty and greed and hate; causing that crime and desperation should rise up from the lower classes to afflict the rich and the poor alike.
11 Which thing caused that the rulers of the state should pass ever more stringent laws filled with harshness; and there arose a great many prisons, and in each prison was there found an over abundance of criminals.
12 Which criminals the state did deride with scorn, to heap upon them all manner of punishments and humiliations; striving with cruelty to break the heart and spirit of every man and every woman who should find themselves imprisoned.
13 Now there passed some two thousand years from the day when Sariah bid farewell, and there arose upon the earth the Industrial Age, and there was found a great many inventions and wonders of every kind.
14 And there strode upon the earth the tycoons of industry and power, being themselves enormously wealthy and filled with pride, being shameless and boastful, proving themselves discontent and ever grasping for still some greater wealth and power.
15 And there rose up to appease the men of power, the preachers of wealth and prosperity, proclaiming always that the poor should obey the laws of man, or offend God altogether.
16 While the rich and powerful they did excuse all manner of excess and greed, proclaiming aloud that such men and women of wealth and power were blessed by God to receive into their eager hands the riches of the earth, causing that all others should have regard for them.
17 For the laws did the state design to protect the wealthy and the powerful, giving to them some greater benefit and protection, while the poor were left to themselves to seek revenge against the upper classes; for there was no justice in the land, except what money could buy; but of laws there were many.
18 Causing that even the faithful should be divided with regard to the law and justice; for there were many among the faithful who were themselves corrupted, seeking to turn the word of God to their own advantage; desiring themselves to be rich and powerful, proclaiming such things to be good and blessed of God.
19 Declaring that such wealth as they had gathered to themselves were as blessings come from God, being themselves rewarded and uplifted above all the faithful because of their own righteousness, to receive from Heaven their just due.
20 Becoming themselves prideful and boastful and given to excess, displaying in the midst of all their vanity such wealth and power as they might have, to live in opulence and splendor; while the poor they inwardly disdained as being unworthy to receive from God.
21 Giving out with boastful pride, pennies to the poor, to be seen of men and well applauded; demanding of the poor a humble gratitude filled with praise and respect, while yet the rich, who claimed themselves faithful and near to God should live on in lavish splendor.
22 Being eager themselves to imitate the tycoons of industry instead of God; becoming themselves always anxious to encourage the faithful to seek wealth and power also; proclaiming always through the way they lived, the virtue of money above all else.
23 Thus was there seen upon the earth so little justice, for it was injustice which ruled in the hearts of the rich, being themselves always eager to rob the poor of the little they had; knowing full well already that the poor had no means to defend themselves in the courts of law, or to seek redress against the excesses of the rich and the powerful.
24 By such means were the breakers of the law created, to be themselves inflicted upon the societies of the state, to do much evil and hurt; and those which sat in power grew ever more fearful and even they did pass harsher laws filled with punishments.
25 But among the truly faithful did there grow a great desire to pray continually for the coming of a great teacher who would instruct them altogether.
26 For there were those among the faithful which were filled with anger against the established order, feeling themselves helpless and afflicted by the law; causing that they should spill forth the vial of their wrath among the lovers of God.
27 Yet did the true believers remember well the teachings of Noaeya regarding the law and benevolence, but being anxious also that God should come again to teach them the justice of Heaven, whereby they might know the way which they might walk while in the mortal life.
28 So God came down as a mortal man, to unveil before the soul the fourth dispensation of Heaven; to teach to the faithful the justice which is born of God, which justice even the faithful must do, to full embrace, if they would take to themselves the likeness of God whereby they might be exalted.
29 Thus was there born into the great city-state of Media, the child named Megordoc, being the son of a great judge, being taught while in his youth the rudiments and philosophies of the law.
30 Being expected from his youth to follow in the steps of his mother; for it was she which sat in the courts of power and of law, being herself held in high regard by all her peers and associates.
31 While yet the father of Megordoc was a craftsman of great skill and cunning, being himself a maker of iron and steel; having built in his name a large and prosperous foundry, causing that the father of Megordoc should prove himself a tycoon of industry.
32 Thus did the shadow and likeness of God grow up in the palaces of wealth and power, attending throughout his youth the finest schools and academies, being elected by his peers to the Presidium of his university when he was just twenty years of age.
33 But when Megordoc was twenty-four years of age, having himself passed the bar to become a lawyer, he fell in love with a certain woman, for she was fair and beautiful in all her speech and manner, being herself a believer and follower of God.
34 And she gave to Megordoc the Book of God, which book contained the teachings of Adamilus and Evelah, and of Noaeya and Sariah also; and Megordoc read the book day and night, and by and by after three years of study, he likewise became a believer also.
35 Seeing in the words of God the path which he must walk, becoming as one who knew deeply well the ways of God and of men; to become himself a discerner of truth and spiritual things, even in the midst of shadows and illusions of every kind.
36 But when his father and mother were made aware of the doings of their son, they became indignant and filled with shame; for their son had joined himself with the lovers of God, to throw away the sum of all their dreams for him.
37 And in anger did they confront the son and demand of him an accounting; and when he had revealed all his heart, they were filled with scorn and ridicule, and with contempt did rail against him night and day without surcease.
38 Yet did the son remain faithful to God, and seeing that he would not be turned, the father and mother did sue the son at court, to recover the expenses of all his lodging and education, from the days of his youth up.
39 And seeing that the son had no money of his own to recompense, he was put in jail, being promised again his freedom if he would turn again unto the law, to fulfill the dreams of his father and mother.
40 Now when the son was put in jail, they brought to him once a week, the preachers of prosperity and wealth; and with soft and subtle words did they speak their love for God also, proclaiming with soothing speech that it was not good to reject the ways of the father and the mother for this was an offense to God.
41 For it was God which had blessed the father and the mother with wealth and power, and this because of their righteousness, for God did not bless the disobedient or unwise; for this cause did God ordain that the law should take precedence above all other things.
42 And if any man should reject the order of earthly things, which things God himself decreed through the blessings of the rich, then is that man guilty of sin, and must need repent whereby he might be restored unto such life and privileges as the father and the mother would most gladly offer.
43 Thus did the preachers of wealth and prosperity speak, each hoping to turn the son to their favor, whereby the father and mother might give to them some great reward; but the son sat himself as still as stone, speaking not a word.
44 Now when the preachers saw that the son would not agree, then did they rail against him, calling him disobedient, unwise, ungrateful; being himself deluded by pretenses filled with pride, proving himself hurtful and callous towards the parents which loved him.
45 Yet was all this to no avail, and after three years within the prison walls, when it was certain that the son would not be turned, then did the father and mother most bitterly relent, to set free the son at last.
46 Stripping the son of his place and station, thinking only to punish him for the choosing of God above themselves; declaring before their peers that the son they loved was dead and should no longer be remembered.
47 Now when the son was set free of the prison cell, there rushed up to meet him the woman which he loved, and her name was Dedrah, being herself a keeper of honeybees.
48 And seeing again her only love, she fell upon him with many kisses, and immediately did she take him to her home whereby he might be received with honor by her own father and mother.
49 And all they which were numbered among the believers did also gather round about the house, being numbered some eight thousand souls; for they were all aware of his many trials and tribulations, and of his faithfulness to hold to God and heavenly things.
50 Thus was the son greeted warmly and with grace, and even all the faithful did receive him even as their own, causing that they should give to him a new name, calling him from that day forth: Moshe.
51 And Moshe loved Dedrah the keeper of the honeybee, and in the spring of the year were they married before the altar of God midst great rejoicing and jubilation, to dance themselves midst gentle rhythms beneath the shining moon.
52 Now the years passed and Moshe grew in wisdom, and among all believers was he held in high regard, for many began to believe among themselves that this very Moshe was the teacher sent from God, being himself most highly learned in the ways of the law and of men.
53 Possessing in both his public and private life but one nature and disposition, being himself thoughtful in such words as he might speak, being gracious to all and speaking well of every man and every woman.
54 Ever quick to point out the good in life, and to encourage all who should draw near to be likewise good and filled with joy; receiving to himself with smiles and pleasant words even the lowest of men, to set them near the heart of God.
55 Being himself the fulfillment of such teachings as did come from God; becoming an example for all to see; having in his countenance and speech a soft and gentle manner, being himself unequaled in the knowing of the scriptures which came from God.
56 Now the years passed and Moshe and Dedrah brought forth children of their own, to cast themselves ever deeper into love’s embrace; and all which saw did see in Moshe and Dedrah the way which they might likewise be.
57 And Moshe became a writer of commentaries and a teacher of godly things; and when he was sixty years of age he was elected the Presiding Patriarch of the Solemn Assembly of believers.
58 Which Solemn Assembly held the membership of some thirty cities, as well as all the towns and villages which lay between.
59 And on the seventh day of the first month of Kishloo, there was convened some one hundred and thirty thousand believers who would see for themselves the ordination and setting apart of Moshe, becoming himself the forty-ninth Presiding Patriarch of the Solemn Assembly.
60 And when all was accomplished, there rose up the first Lord of the supreme council, and he entreated Moshe before the whole assembly, saying:
61 “Speak to us, good Father, of the justice of God; for all these years have we asked of you through many supplications to teach us, yet you would not, claiming yourself unlearned and not yet ready to speak so great a thing.
62 See then how this whole assembly would hear the word of God, and you alone to speak it, revealing in your speech and manner the heart of God within us.
63 What say you now, Moshe: Will you at last make known the wisdom of God, and by what means, or in what manner we should comport ourselves before the law?
64 That by our many efforts in following such words as you might speak, we might bring again the presence of God unto the earth, causing that even God should walk and move and live within the affairs of every man and every woman.”
65 Thus did the first Lord of the supreme council speak; and Moshe, rising from his place did approach the very mercy seat of the whole assembly; and looking upon the multitudes which were gathered to hear him, he spoke, saying: “I will speak.”