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Chapter 6
The natural man – God puts in place the Covenant of Promise – Unrighteous dominion
– God goes to the world Terralee – The seven dispensations of God – Wisdom – Benevolence
– Faith and hope – Justice and mercy – Fortitude – Beauty – Completion and harmony
– More on dispensations – Adamilus and Evelah
1 Warm blew the winds of Terralee, the earth which God did make at the edge of distant Heaven; and on that earth did there come forth the first of mortal men through Mother Earth and Father Time, according to the will of God;
2 Being themselves fashioned of their environment through the process of evolution, possessing bodies of flesh and bone, but having no spirit within, being themselves as natural men filled with promise, ever moving upon the land, perchance that they might find that certain thing which would add some purpose to their life.
3 For like earthen vessels they did await the coming of their God, whereby they might receive in their bosoms the breath of the spirit which would come and in them dwell, to make every man and every woman most full complete and filled with expectation.
4 For men are that they might have joy and nothing less beside, being themselves made filled with dreams and dressed with hopeful yearnings, reaching forth with hungry hearts to touch the soul of God, and in the touching but fair embrace the sum of who they are.
5 For the natural man is filled with wonder and made rich as well, being fashioned both male and female in the likeness of their God; having in themselves a depth and height which dreams alone can fathom, possessing within the boundaries of their flesh that which is boundless and immeasurable, filled with glory.
6 Now in Heaven, did God prepare that their children should enter the mortal life, and on the fields of Ashleah did they quickly gather; by the waters of Geshur did the children await the coming of the word.
7 And before the sum of all their seed did God place the Covenant of Promise; for in this covenant did both the Father and the Mother pledge the fullness of their devotion, to be as constant and ever watchful in the lives of those who lived; teaching here and guiding there the place where they should go, but only if they be willing and not uncertain.
8 For God would force no child against their will, being themselves content to woo and gently call, leading instead with gentle words of kind persuasion, drawn from loving hearts; showing through their words and deeds the ways of life and sweet fulfillment.
9 For God did frown with cold disdain upon the forcing of the will, for in unrighteous dominion did God take quick offense filled with sorrow, seeing that it was rooted only in the authority and place of another, and not in love or kind regard.
10 Thus did God command that the angels should refrain from such authority as mere men would seek to place upon the brightness of their persons, but to lead instead with words of wisdom filled with kind affection.
11 Now, when all things were full decided, and there was made between God and the angels a covenant both sure and holy, God turned again unto the children and smiled, and with tender words did assure them of promises given.
12 And the seasons turned and the moon of Paradise did chase Heaven round and round; and there came in the airs above to fill the whole of Heaven, the singing of the Cherubim, announcing to all who lived that God had gone away, and in the world of Terralee had taken up their place, to set about, in proper order, the first dispensation of God.
13 For the dispensations did God organize in deep and subtle fashion, being in their inmost workings imperceptible to those who knew not God, but revealing to those who sought with eager heart to ponder well the ways of God; to these did the dispensations disclose the mystery and the light.
14 Revealing in awe and wonder the deeper things of God, being themselves, in their nature, ineffable and most subtle in design, bringing into the mind of the willing heart that touch of glory filled with God.
15 For the things of God are wise and holy, and must be deeply sought; being hid in common view from those who would but mock, yet ever waiting for that one who did most earnestly seek to know of things eternal, and in the knowing find most revealed, the source of endless wonder.
16 Thus did God ordain that there be given to mortal life the seven dispensations, being each and every one complete, yet building on each other, building in most subtle fashion a fullness of instruction filled with joy and happy life;
17 Being in their function like a deep and mighty river which would sweetly flow, to touch the life of every child who would know their God, being moved and left awash in the waters of their soul.
18 Thus did God appoint unto the first dispensation such doctrines and principles as would build the happy life filled with deepest wisdom, laying with most thoughtful care, the beginnings of civilization, filled with endless possibilities and challenges of every kind;
19 Placing before the eyes of all the seeds of goodly things, which good and pleasing things did reveal themselves in the building of cities and governments, art and music, math and science, and literature filled with dreams and deepest knowing, to lay that sure foundation upon which all other dispensations stood, each building atop the other, yet in themselves complete.
20 But unto the second dispensation did God appoint the teachings of benevolence, establishing well the ways of love and sweet affection, which things would prove beneficial in the associations of every man and every woman which must live the mortal life, to imbue in the mind of all a kind regard towards all living things.
21 For in the ways of benevolence is there found a calm detachment which would guard well the heart of those which love, securing in the midst of angry words the anchor of the soul, becoming itself a place of refuge in the midst of hurtful storms.
22 For the fires of love are filled with passion, burning bright and all consuming; but in benevolence is there made a sea both deep and calm which surrounds in one the flames which dance, to keep in check the hot emotion, to guard it well from hate or rage or bitter strife, to keep as pure our loving passions lest they be corrupted and turned aside.
23 Thus would the second dispensation reveal the benevolence wherein God guards well the fires of love, to keep it young and ever burning, to lift above the march of time, or shield it from such hurtful actions as others might impose.
24 Yet in the third dispensation did God declare the laws and principles of faith and hope, being together most strongly bound; for faith would turn the eager soul to trust in God beyond, sustaining those who do believe when doubts, like storms, arise.
25 For faith is the light which in us shines, to beckon from afar, being manifested most deep within the chambers of the heart, giving birth in us that goodly hope which would but bear us up.
26 For faith and hope together move, like lovers in a dance, to lead and follow each the other midst the rhythms of our life, flowing here and spilling there in movements filled with grace, adding to us that quick assurance that God is ever near;
27 Causing that there might spring up within us the light which never fails, but leads us on to God; which light would quickly pierce the shadows of our life, setting aside all distractions, to lead us home again.
28 Such would God, in the third dispensation, teach the children of their soul the laws of faith and hope together, causing that even all might be most strongly benefited if they would but just believe and touch the heart of God.
29 Now in the fourth dispensation did God proclaim the ways of justice and mercy, being themselves beyond the rule of law or the ways of learned men, but being rooted firmly in the ways of God;
30 Being ever filled with deepest knowing, seeking constantly that understanding which would reveal such hidden things as would motivate or compel the actions of every man and every woman which would live the mortal life.
31 For what is justice but the heart of God made manifest in the affairs of men and women, being itself not rooted in such punishments or revenge as men might impose against each other, but being instead dressed in such mercy and forgiveness as would reclaim the fallen, or uplift and restore to goodness the one which would be corrupted through the harshness of life.
32 For the justice of God would heal the wounded heart, to renew and refresh the soul of those which sin, if it so be that they would turn again unto God whereby he might cover them with his mercy, to revive them with things eternal.
33 Thus did God establish the ways of justice and mercy, being hopeful that those who would practice diligently the higher law might become themselves even as the Father and Mother which dwell in Heaven, becoming themselves, in the affairs of men, even as a light which shines from afar, being made one with God forever.
34 So did God establish the first of four dispensations, knowing that in the movements and progression of each would the ways of men grow harder and ever more pressing through the moving forward of civilization, becoming in their complexities and developments ever more elaborate and modern and filled with stress;
35 Causing that each successive generation should find the living of their lives harder and harder still, to have stripped away the simplicity of previous ages, being themselves benefited by all manner of modern conveniences, yet in their souls filled with anxieties of every kind.
36 For this cause did God appoint unto the fifth dispensation the principles and practices of fortitude and inward grace, establishing within the knowing of every child that in strength alone is virtue found, giving birth to a courage and integrity far above that of common men.
37 Not in the strength of the body, but rather in the mind and heart instead, causing that every man and every woman should well endure the hardships of their life, being ourselves firmly fixed in rushing after God, perchance we might acquire;
38 Being ourselves discontent with things made small and thin, but reaching forth with patient hearts beyond the veil of tears to seize the greater prize, bearing in our flesh the blows of every trial, to make ourselves as one unconquered by things outside the soul.
39 For fortitude is that strong resolve which permits that we continue in seeking after God, being ourselves unbeaten by such adversities as do arise from time to time, to pounce upon us unawares.
40 Yet would we prove ourselves indomitable and relentless in acquiring the greater portion, becoming in our heart and mind and soul as one invincible and unyielding before such things as would distract and weigh us down.
41 Thus in fortitude is there born within that grace which would make smooth the troubled waters of the soul; for grace is that inward calm filled with stillness and quiet acceptance;
42 Being itself manifested by kindness, courtesy, charm and elegance; enriching the life of those who are possessed of it, working its power within and without, to make as bright and filled with wonder, the world in which you live.
43 Now in the sixth dispensation did God ordain the rule of beauty, which beauty is found first in the soul of those who live, and then in all things beyond, moving out from the soul in greater and greater circles like ripples in a pond, reaching out with a soft embrace to touch the sum of all things which do surround you in the living of your life.
44 Thus in the sixth dispensation did God seek that every man and every woman might involve themselves within the arts; for in your life come many hardships, causing that many should turn away from God, but in beauty is God revealed again and again, to fill the heart with awe.
45 For this cause did God encourage that in the days of childhood should every man and every woman learn for themselves such arts as would bring beauty into their lives;
46 Being constantly encouraged by loving parents and holy teachers to master such skills and abilities as they were proffered, creating through discipline and daily effort a place where things eternal and ineffable might be revealed within the soul.
47 So did many children learn the arts of music, while others turned their hearts to the arts of painting, or sculpture, or pottery, or even the writing of books filled with dreams and subtle thought; while others became as artists in their trades, building things of grand design made rich in color, line and form.
48 For beauty is the mother of dreams and visions, and intuitions, seducing through the senses the heart of every child, causing that every man and every woman should seek the ways of beauty, perchance themselves to touch or see, hear or feel the beauty that is God, being themselves led away from the grip of common woe, to dress the heart with joy.
49 Thus in the age of the sixth dispensation did God appoint the teachers of the arts, becoming themselves as holy men and holy women touched by God above, being themselves as masters of their forms, having as their followers a great many students and children which were seen themselves as sacred in the learning of their art.
50 And in every aspect of mortal life was there seen the ways of art, being in the home, or field, or in the work of daily labor, even in these things was there found that good and artful way which would fill the life with joy; for men are that they might have joy and nothing less beside.
51 Now in the seventh dispensation was there given the age of completion and harmony, which dispensation was rooted in the principles of simplicity and peace, causing that those who should embrace the simple life might find for themselves some sweet accord within themselves, to find again their rightful place beside the heart of God.
52 For the principles of harmony are found in small and simple things, causing that those who should embrace, might find in their soul that peace which lies beyond the comprehension of those who are ever rushing here and there;
53 Being themselves ever seeking to own or possess greater and greater things, being consumed by endless wanting, having in themselves neither peace nor harmony, but being instead ever anxious and filled with worry.
54 But those which would seize hold the simple life, to turn their hearts to things eternal, these did dwell in perfect harmony, being at peace within and without, being themselves imbued with that inner calm which would fill their life with deep assurance, receiving in their souls that certain knowledge that in all things there is found the God beyond who watches over all.
55 Thus did God establish the dispensations of mortal life, causing that each dispensation should endure for some two thousand years, being in each dispensation complete in itself, yet building upon the others which went before it, while preparing also for the one which would follow.
56 And in each dispensation did God call forth certain men and women which would become as holy teachers, who in their persons did teach continually the ways of God, establishing in the hearts of those who believed the path to exaltation and eternal increase.
57 Yet at the beginning of each dispensation did the Father and the Mother assume some mortal form, to walk upon the earth among the children of their soul, teaching by word and example the way which they should go.
58 So God did leave the world of the First Heaven, and together did The One and Areta appear as a man and a woman most beautiful and rare; and in the world of Terralee did they walk upon the earth, being themselves husband and wife. And the children of men did come from afar to see them, and seeing the form and goodness of God among them, they were filled with deep and reverent awe at the greatness of their grace and beauty.
59 And there spoke to The One, a certain woman, saying: “Who are you and from what place do you come? For we have never seen your likeness.”
60 Then did The One answer her before the gathering of her whole tribe, saying: “I am Adamilus, and this, my Beloved, is Evelah; and from yonder stars do we come, from a place which we call Heaven.”