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Pearl 1
In the gardens of the soul does the Master speak, saying:
“I am serene,
Like calm waters deep and still,
Possessing within my depths
The ineffable
mystery touched by wonder,
Unknowable yet always known.
I am serene,
Like the eye of a mighty tempest
Filled with calmness,
Dwelling in peace
in the midst of strife,
Letting go the hurtful passions.
I am serene,
Like a summer day in the midst of winter,
Imperturbable and brightly shining,
light within the darkness,
Giving hope in place of despair.
I am serene,
Like music well composed and pleasing to hear,
Creating from life a symphony
of joy,
Establishing between light and shadow,
The way of harmony.
I am serene,
Like a polished mirror finely made,
Reflecting from stillness the likeness
of heavenly things,
Bearing within both heart and mind,
A constant meditation.
I am serene,
Like a rainbow within the rain,
Chasing away the fears of many,
the eyes of those who see with promise,
Revealing the heart of God.
I am serene,
Balanced between Heaven and earth,
Tranquil as the drifting clouds,
as the springtime breeze,
Keeping within the heart the song of angels.”