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Pearl 13
To know your highest, know your depths.
To soar beyond, go within.
To touch the boundless, accept the limitations.
To reach the dawn, endure the night.
To know the Eternal, you must know the Beginning.
To know the birth of all things, you must walk the middle way.
Like the eye of a mighty tempest,
The winds rage and rush about.
But in the middle of the storm there is calmness.
Wisdom begins by knowing that you do not know.
Wisdom grows through the acceptance of things as they are.
In doing acts of goodness, wisdom blossoms.
Being free of complaints, you see beyond the shadows.
Filled with desire and ever seeking, the mystery is born within.
Reaching out with great resolve,
The light of understanding quiet descends.
For Understanding is the fruit of Wisdom,
Casting light within the darkness,
Revealing always the greater portion,
Filled with many wonders.
For the character of the Self is the only destiny.
For Character is made and not inherited,
Exposing within the simplest of men and women,
The mystery of a far more noble birth,
To make of paupers, Kings and Queens
Dressed in endless glory.