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Pearl 4
In the gardens of the soul does the Master speak, saying:
“I am complete,
Possessing within the heart and mind,
The fullness of all things desired,
nothing added can make me more,
Nothing taken away can make me less.
I am complete,
Being lost in God and made content,
Graced by oneness and undivided,
fully whole and firmly fixed,
To stand unbroken by hurtful want.
I am complete,
Set free of covetous desire,
Dwelling beyond the touch of greed,
from my daily life,
A banquet worthy of partaking.
I am complete,
Containing within the whole creation,
Ascending through dreams to the
heights of heavens,
Reaching deeper than the great Abyss,
Filled within by sun and
moon and stars.
I am complete,
Having within my life the sum of all totalities,
Being free of that
grasping and clutching need,
Which makes ruin the life of many.
I am complete,
Joyous and filled with song,
Happy and well comported,
Finding within
a fount of blessing,
Springing eternal from the heart of God.
I am complete,
Like a circle embracing life,
Containing within the all in all,
For nothing
added can give me more,
Nothing taken away will give me less.”