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Chapter 30
The fame of Yeshua spreads – Sadducees test Yeshua on Moses and marriage – Yeshua
teaches on marriage – The law which Moses gave – On the law of Moses and divorce
– Yeshua proclaims women equal to men in the eyes of God – The woman taken in adultery
– “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone” – “Woman, where
are your accusers?” – “Will you kill another because you are offended?” – “Straight
is the gate, and narrow is the way”
1 And all Jerusalem spoke the name of Yeshua for good or for evil, even according to their own hearts; and the multitudes came out from the city daily to hear him.
2 But they which ruled in the temple, or governed in the palaces grew uneasy because of him, for all the people loved him, and all which the Master said and taught did the people speak among themselves in the synagogues and in the markets.
3 And there arose against the Lord in secret chambers a multitude of plots and intrigues, for many conspired to kill him.
4 On a certain day when Yeshua was again in the city teaching, there came unto him they which were of the Sadducees which believed not in the life after death;
5 For the Sadducees scorned the traditions and teachings of the elders, for they believed with strictness the law of Moses only.
6 And coming unto the Lord they took thought whereby they might ridicule him before the people, and they spoke unto him, saying:
7 “Master, what think you; for Moses commanded that if a man die, having no children, then should his brother marry his wife to go in unto her that she might bring forth children unto the brother’s name.
8 Now there was a certain man which had six brothers, and when he died, having no children to follow after him, the second brother took the wife unto himself.
9 Likewise the second brother died also, having raised up no children and the third brother took to wife the same woman; till he also died bringing forth no children.
10 So was it with the fourth even unto the last brother, each taking the wife of the first to raise up seed, yet each dying without issue; and at last the woman died also.
11 Therefore, in the life to come whose wife will the woman become unto the seven brothers, seeing that she was married unto each in turn?”
12 And the Lord answered, saying: “You do err among yourselves concerning this thing, for you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God.
13 For they which are married according to the laws of men are not bound together in the life to come, but in this life only.
14 For you know yourselves how that in the beginning God joined together both Adam and Eve, and they became as one flesh.
15 For that which God has joined together can no man separate, nor death break asunder.
16 But they which are married after the rudiments of men go not forth into the kingdom of Heaven, being husband and wife, but are sent forth again unto life seeking.
17 And if it so be that a man and a woman are bound together in great love exceeding, then are they sealed of God one unto the other;
18 And in the kingdom of God are they forever one, and before the Father and all the angels are they made to dwell in everlasting life.
19 But why do you seek to ensnare me, seeing that you believe not already in the life to come?
20 Have you not read what was spoken unto your fathers by God, even from the beginning, saying:
21 ‘Behold, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?’ I tell you truly, that God is not the God of the dead but of the living only.”
22 And the Sadducees spoke again unto him, saying: “Is not the law which Moses gave the law of God also?”
23 Yeshua answered them, saying: “If the law were come from God, why then will you say it is the law which Moses gave?
24 I tell you truly that Moses at the first did give unto your fathers the law which was come from God;
25 Yet did your fathers commit sin in the wilderness, and against the golden calf did he break in pieces the law which was come from above.
26 For this cause did Moses give unto you the lesser law, for you are a stiffnecked people, quick to sin and quick to forget the Lord your God.”
27 Now when the Pharisees heard the words which Yeshua spoke unto the Sadducees, they also thought to tempt him, saying:
28 “Tell us then if it be lawful for a man to put away his wife, to divorce her?”
29 And he answered, saying: “Have you not read how that God created both male and female, for it is not good that the man or the woman should dwell alone upon the earth.
30 For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and taking to his bosom a woman to wife, he shall cleave unto her; and they shall become as one flesh before the Lord.
31 Wherefore the man and the woman are no more two, but one flesh only. What, therefore, God has sealed together let no man break asunder.”
32 Now when the Pharisees heard this, they contended against the Lord, saying:
33 “Why then did Moses command that if a man should put away his wife, let him give her a writ of divorcement?”
34 And Yeshua answered, saying: “Because of your hardheartedness against the woman, Moses suffered you to divorce your wives, but in the beginning it was not so.
35 See then for yourselves how that the law which Moses gave unto your fathers in the wilderness commands but the lesser portion; for so have you become for tradition’s sake.
36 For if you would put away the wife for adultery sake, then would it be just also that the woman should put away the husband likewise.”
37 And the Pharisees hearing this were astonished, and they asked him, saying: “Will you make the woman equal unto the man in the eyes of the law?”
38 And the Lord said: “Are not the man and the woman both come from God altogether?
39 Will you say also, that God is divided within by the greater and lesser portion? If not, why then will you say that the man is preferred of God above the woman?
40 For the man is not without the woman, neither the woman without the man, for in God are these two become as one.
41 And if it so be that they become as one, wherein shall you say that the man is greater than the woman?”
42 And the Pharisees when they heard these things, spoke among themselves, saying: “This man teaches against the law of Moses. Let us, therefore, seize him that we might bring against him some accusation.”
43 But others said: “Let us be wise and wait yet again a little while, for see how we are few while the people are many.”
44 Now when it was near noon day, Yeshua went walking near the temple, and there came to him the scribes and Pharisees and they cast down before him a woman which was taken in adultery.
45 “Master, this woman was taken in the very act of adultery. Now Moses commanded that we should stone her; but what would you have us do?”
46 And Yeshua said: “Are there not two which commit adultery together? Where then is the man also?” But they answered him not a word.
47 But Yeshua, stooping down upon the ground, began to write with his finger in the dust the names of all them which would accuse her.
48 Again they asked him, saying: “Are you for the law or against it? What would you have us do unto the woman? Shall we fulfill the law or not?”
49 And lifting up his head unto the accusers, he said: “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.” And again he turned to write upon the ground.
50 And the scribes and Pharisees, when they heard this, went singly one by one away from him; being convicted in their hearts because of sin.
51 When, therefore, Yeshua had lifted himself up he saw no man but the woman only, and speaking unto her he said:
52 “Woman, where are your accusers? Is there not even one which would condemn you?”
53 And she, trembling, answered him, saying: “No, my Lord.” And the Master, taking her by the hand, lifted her up from the ground, and he spoke to her, saying: “Neither will I condemn you: go and sin no more.”
54 And Yeshua, turning to the people, spoke unto them, saying: “In the law have you heard it said: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
55 But I say unto you, that whosoever looks upon another to lust, the same has committed adultery in the heart already.
56 Why then will you be offended against another for adultery’s sake, seeing that even all of you are likewise sinners?
57 Will you kill another because you are offended? What say you then, if your right eye offend you, will you pluck it out, to cast it far away?
58 And if it so be that your right hand offend you, will you also cut it off to cast it far from you? Why then will you judge harshly the fallen which are among you?
59 Take care, therefore, the manner in which you judge another, lest you yourself be judged in like manner.
60 For whatsoever you would that men should do unto you, do you likewise unto them also; then shall you fulfill even all the law and the prophets.
61 Enter into the straight gate which leads unto life, for wide is the gate and broad is the way which leads unto death, and many are there which go in thereat.
62 But straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads unto life everlasting, and few there be which find it.”
63 Now when it was evening, Yeshua went unto Bethany, and entering into the house of Martha and Lazarus her brother, he tarried many days;
64 Teaching in the garden and upon the mount the kingdom of God and the forgiveness of sins.