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Pearl 20
Open your mind, and all things are possible.
Open your heart, and you become the world.
Open your soul to know yourself,
And the cosmos cannot contain you.
Follow the Spirit, and you become a leader.
Accept adversity with gentle grace, and you will overcome it.
Embrace your life to live your joy, and you will never fear.
Be personable and kind, yet be detached and keep a distance.
Be friendly and open-hearted, yet do not become familiar.
Know your friends and keep them few, and you will never want.
Nothing in this life is constant, all things change with time;
Like the seasons softly turning, all things flow into each the other;
Moving gently within the circle to touch your life again.
So be constant like the seasons, like the rising of the sun,
Always true and ever faithful to the things which inward shine,
Moving soft from less to greater, kind cleaving unto kind.
And like a star that’s brightly shining in the heavens far beyond,
Giving light to many others, making bright the way before,
Lifting high the wayward stranger, to see at last his truer home.