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Pearl 21
Love the many, yet keep to the one.
Embrace the other, yet cherish the one you love.
Know your friends and love them deep, holding nothing back;
To reveal in you that one Beloved, and this forever keep.
In loving others is found perspective,
The means by which you measure;
In loving many, you find the one,
To be to you a treasure.
Be the man, yet adore the woman;
Be the woman, yet adore the man.
For the man is made for woman,
And the woman is made for man.
For separate and alone are you but half,
But in coming together,
The circle is made complete.
Filling the soul with fiery passions,
Unlocking the doors of love;
Revealing through rhythms soft and sweet,
The dance which would consume.
To leave you full and well content,
In the glow of love well spent.
Know the opposite, and you know yourself,
Yielding up through gentle offerings
The passions which inward burn;
Lifting high the one you love,
That you, yourself, might soar;
To fly with angels high above,
While yet you inward sing;
Holding your Love within your arms,
To rest in gentle dreams.
For the flesh of the body is the door to the spirit,
And loving passions become the Key,
Which opens wide the vaults of Heaven,
To touch eternity.