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Pearl 23
Surrender power,
And power is born within you.
Give up control,
And you can govern yourself.
Become as nothing,
And troubles cannot hurt.
Relinquish pride,
And you are filled with peace.
Yield yourself to God,
And endless horizons
Will touch your dreams.
Look with joy beyond yourself,
And see the great horizon.
Feel the horizon, far and distant,
And you are filled with awe.
Seek the horizon to make it yours,
And your journey is filled with purpose.
Touch the horizon,
And another will beckon and lead you on.
Going from horizon to horizon,
The sun will rise within your soul.
Go within,
And you will see forever.
Go beyond yourself,
And you become content.
Speak kindly and gently yield,
And anger fades away.
Uplift the fallen without judging them,
And you uplift yourself.
Be gracious and courteous to all,
And you become the Master.
A Master is made of great horizons
Which stir and inward shine;
Calling out through gentle whispers
To come and inward find;
Beckoning always from afar
To go from less to greater;
Seeking still the furthest star,
You fill the soul with wonder.